
Vatican II Council's Interpreting Scripture Analysis

Decent Essays

There is no doubt of the impact that Pope John XXIII's Vatican II Council had on many aspects of the life of the church. In particular, the orientations and convictions of the council on understanding the Christian life appears to have acutely responded to the needs of the people, as it fueled, if not ignited, an interest in spirituality that extended well beyond the Catholic Church, and well beyond the 1960's. With a universal call to "one holiness" rooted in the call of Christian baptism, spirituality was no longer just for the ordained and the vowed religious. Further, the Council's emphasis on the role of the Word of God satisfied a deep hunger of the people to allow God's Word to penetrate their prayer, their morality, and their discipleship. …show more content…

Contrary to past discouragement from reading the Bible, the Council emphasized that the faithful should have easy access to the Word of God, along with the benefit of interpretation by the teaching authority of the Church. Interpreting Scripture correctly is essential in understanding the words of Jesus as he reveals Himself, the Father and Divine will. Christians looking to the Scriptures to be nourished and for answers to everyday life, as well as help with extraordinary challenges, are finding that the message is not always clear. Interpretations differ depending on the method or approach of the study and the beliefs and doctrines one holds. Holy Scripture should never be read without invoking the aid of the Holy Spirit. But throughout the history of man, God has chosen to effect his revelation and salvation around communities that accept and remain faithful to his commandments. While personal praying with Scripture is essential, it is in the context of community that God's Word truly comes alive in actions of compassion, mercy and love. With baptismal grace and the willingness to transmit this love in the vocation and life circumstances to which they are called, the people of God help one another on this path to holiness and come together in grateful worship – the central action of the …show more content…

One cannot be done without the other. God calls us all to worship Him and remain connected to all humanity. Therefore, Christian spirituality must be rooted in the liturgical life of the church, that is, to be a part of the mystical Body of Christ. The Council understood the liturgy, specifically the Eucharist, as "the source and summit of Christian life." It is the source of nourishment for our ethics, our morality, our sense of responsibility for, and accountability to, one another. It is here in the church, in the midst of diversity and inclusivity that we find our common ground – living in the Spirit of Christ. It is in the liturgy that we are enlightened and empowered by the Holy Spirit, and gain the perspective of how the world should be – rooted in communion and

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