
Varicose Vein Case Study

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Varicose and spider veins on the legs can be very uncomfortable and unsightly. Fortunately, there are non-invasive treatments than can remove them leaving your legs smooth and clear. Varicose and spider veins typically develop when the valves in the vein become weak and do not push the blood back to the heart, as they should. This is called venous insufficiency and one of the main treatments is visual sclerotherapy. This treatment is mainly used to treat spider and small varicose veins that are invisible under the surface of the skin. Visual Sclerotherapy involves the injection of a solution directly into the varicose vein. We usually use a salt solution, but there are other solutions that can be used. The solution irritates the inside of …show more content…

You will learn more about your condition and the treatment options. It is important to tell the doctor about any medications you may be taking including herbal supplements and over the counter drugs. You should not apply any lotion to the treatment area the morning before treatment. You should avoid ibuprofen and aspirin at least 48 hours before and after treatment. It is all right to use Tylenol. After the treatment, you may have an itching sensation that lasts for one or two days. There may also be some redness at the injection site that may disappear in a few days. If there is any bruising, it will disappear in about a week. You will be able to drive yourself home after the treatment and immediately resume work or other daily activities. We recommend that you walk a little each day, and we may ask you to wear compression stockings for a few weeks. Some other things that should be avoided after treatment are hot baths, saunas or whirlpools, hot compresses and direct exposure to sunlight. Varicose and spider veins are very unattractive and many people consider it worthwhile to remove them for cosmetic reasons. However, if they are left untreated the may develop into more serious problems. We can diagnose the severity of your varicose and spider veins and recommend the best treatment, so you can have smooth legs

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