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3.1.1. A theory of an elevated testicular temperature
Varicoceles are thought to induce their noxious effect by elevating scrotal temperature via reflux of warm abdominal blood through incompetent valves of the spermatic veins and there is good evidence to support this theory.( Skandhan& Rajahariprasad , 2007).The elevated intrascrotal temperature results in reductions of testosterone synthesis by Leydig cells and reduced Sertoli cell secretory function. increased testicular temperature in men with varicocele may reduced sperm quality and testicular functions ,Varicocele ligation has been demonstrated to be associated with reductions in intrascrotal temperature in infertile men as Scrotal temperature is maintained a few degrees below body core temperature in order to optimize the environment for normal testicular function by the countercurrent heat exchange system but in a subfertile men with varicocele, a heat exchange mechanism will affect and this may cause Leydig cell secretory dysfunction. Several studies have suggested that infertile patients with varicoceles have lower serum testosterone concentrations, leading to the hypothesis that varicoceles may alter not only spermatogenses and even Leydig cell function, suggesting that testosterone synthesis it self may also be compromised. (Cantatore et al. , 2010). …show more content…

A dilation of the venous plexus would then disrupt the efficiency of this system. The explanation for why a left-sided varicocele affects the function of the contralateral testis is unclear, but any unilateral pathology may be transmitted via the collateral drainage that exists between the testes.The mechanism for how heat affects spermatogenesis remains speculative. There is evidence that heat may affect androgen production which can have bad effects on the maintenance of sperm production. (Rahman&

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