Vaccinations are substances that give patients who acquire it immunity to certain diseases such as Hepatitis, Small poxes and influenza, also known as the flu. Before it was alleged that patient are protected when they are in use of the vaccination. Many Healthcare workers nevertheless, refuse to take the vaccine due to their beliefs that vaccines aren’t necessary .this continues to be a serious problem as many workers often refuse to get vaccinated and have even lose or quit their jobs because of their refusal to take the vaccine. Now this brings us to the question, should healthcare workers be mandated to take vaccinations? I believed that Healthcare workers should be mandated to take vaccinations. They should have to take the vaccine because
Recently, many diseases that had been eradicated because of childhood vaccinations have been making an appearance. Health officials are concerned that diseases will spread and lives will be lost. Officials all agree that vaccinations will benefit the population. Some parents feel it is an infringement on the right to keep the children healthy and safe. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all children because it will prevent diseases from spreading, protect future generations, and save children and parents time and money.
This essay will attempt to investigate the employment of the 23 plus vaccinations used today and how they defend the preventions and spread of diseases. The paper will support the pros and the cons of vaccinations that are supported by research statistics as well as the different symptoms that have been reported for each available vaccine.
To the average individual, the word ‘vaccination’ means to prevent illness. Vaccinations have many advantages; they allow us to be less susceptible to a variety of illnesses and diseases. Many individuals believe that vaccinations should not be mandatory. However, the benefits from vaccinations greatly outweigh the risks from side effects. The judgments are factual and ethical and are supported by testing and research findings from multiple sources.
We must not forget how catastrophic disease was in the 17th century. Many people, especially children died early deaths because their bodies just could not fight those diseases. We live in a time and age where vaccines are available to help us fight off diseases that once killed so many. I truly believe that vaccines are essential in maintaining health in human populations. “The number of young children who are not fully vaccinated for preventable diseases has been steadily increasing over the last decade” (Daniel A. Salmon)”. With so many more parents claiming nonmedical exemptions, from what was once routine vaccinations, they are not only leaving their children vulnerable to diseases, but everyone that the unvaccinated child comes in contact with; From the classmates and teachers of these children, as well as other people and children in their community. Vaccines are necessary, and the risks of not being vaccinated far outweigh the small risks associated with vaccination. Preventable diseases can cause permanent disability and death. There has been no correlation between vaccines and developmental disorders such as autism. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “most childhood vaccines are 90-99% effective in preventing disease” (Vaccines”. Vaccines are beneficial for everyone’s protection. Child Vaccinations should be mandatory.
Diseases and illnesses are studied constantly by doctors and scientists trying to find a cure for them. Plague and disease once ravaged our world killing thousands, with no hope or cure to prevent them from occurring. Today, however, is different. Technology is more advanced than ever, and people are living longer than ever before. Life expectancy in the United States has gone up by more than 30 years in the last decades. It isn’t by luck that many diseases now cease to exist, but through extensive studies, and research. The medical field is at the height of its studies with more people being cured of diseases than ever before. Most of this is to the credit of doctors and scientists developing vaccinations that help the body create antibodies, which help fight away diseases, and give the body immunity. I believe that forced vaccinations in children should be mandatory as they have the potential to prevent life threatening diseases, and save countless lives. Though many are against forced vaccinations and say they can cause mental illnesses or brain damage, this has not been proven. The rewards far out way the slight risk, if risk at all of the vaccination having side effects. The individuals who are not vaccinated are left vulnerable to illness, and can potentially infect those around them as well. Leaving scare of an epidemic, and wide spread of a virus. Forced vaccinations in the United States have been beneficial by preventing young children from contracting certain
When it comes to certain topics there is always going to be controversy surrounding them; this is the case with the topic of whether or not children should be vaccinated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) they recommend that children get vaccinated against up to 14 diseases within their first two years of life, and receiving booster shots as they get older. This idea leads to numerous debates on why children should be vaccinated or why parents should be able to opt out of vaccinating their children due to developmental concerns or religious beliefs. In my opinion, however, regardless of religious beliefs, vaccinations should be mandatory—unless there is a medical reason not to—because not only do vaccinations protect children from various diseases and can save their lives, but they also protect others around them and future generations.
In my opinion this is a good documentary because it provides information from both sides the pro and the con. I think vaccination should be mandatory. I have an autistic son. Do I think vaccinations have a role play in his diagnosis? No. Actually, it has always been in the back of my mind and when my son has had doctor appointments I had mentioned it: When I was pregnant, I went to Mexico and there was a girl with chickenpox where I stayed at. Once we knew she had chicken pox, we stayed away from her. However, we do not know if by then there was some damage done. I always knew something was wrong with my son. Since he was a little baby. I brought that up to the pediatrician and when I heard that boys are lazier than girls, I switched pediatricians
Prior to becoming pregnant with my first child, it never crossed my mind that I would choose not to vaccinate him or her. Then on a cold day in January when I found out I would be bringing a new life into this world in late August, many thoughts and options began flowing through my head. At this time I didn’t know routine vaccinations were a choice for parents to make, I always thought they were mandatory. This being said, I began my research on the pros and cons of vaccinations. While I learned there are cons of vaccinating children, I also learned that the benefits of routinely vaccinating children significantly outweigh the risks. I chose from a very early stage in my pregnancy that I would make sure my child receives routine vaccines in order to protect him or her to the best of my ability from potentially deadly diseases. While every state in the United States has different laws on routine vaccines for children, I strongly believe that all fifty states should have the same laws and require vaccinations in children.
A world without vaccinated children would be a very bad and very dangerous world. Not vaccinating children can be very dangerous and could even cause the death of an innocent child, whose parent made the decision to not vaccinate their child due to lack of education about vaccines. This has been a very controversial issue in the united states for a very long time and it is times for a change on the way parents think about vaccines and people need to work together to get vaccines to become a normal thing parents do for their children. Vaccines should be mandatory in the United States because it would insure the health of children in the U.S. , vaccines do more good than they do harm, and vaccines protect other people from contracting
The medical community should teach the correct information on vaccines so widespread paranoia doesn’t engulf the world. Vaccinating can be a very good thing it protects our world future and children from contracting deadly diseases that once ran rampant on this planet. Vaccines should not be mandatory nor parents kicked out of doctors' office for refusal to vaccinate their kids. There should be a compromise in both cases. What these compromises should be, will be discussed in more detail later.
Funny enough, I had the debate about vaccination with my friend who is a new mother. Luckily we both agree vaccinations should be mandatory because we’re not talking about the health of just one child. I remember when anti-vaccinators like Jenny McCarthy guest hosting on TV claiming how vaccination made her child autistic. It was upsetting that she would portray autism as a disease or something you magically catch like a sexually transmitted disease. Basically, she overreacted and caused world panic amongst the rich masses and I feel like that's when the anti-vaccination movement truly took off in California.
At the Head Start I work, it is mandatory for all students to be vaccinated unless it’s against their religious beliefs. Personal beliefs or philosophy is not an acceptable excuse for exemption. The children are exempted due to medical reasons such as allergies. Some allergens include latex, aluminum salts, egg protein, yeast proteins, and thimerosal (Chung, 2013).
We don’t understand why a healthcare worker would choose to go unvaccinated unless there are medical contraindications or religious objections to doing so, as the vaccine has a long track record of being a safe and effective way of preventing the spread of disease. Being that health care workers take care of the sick, we strongly believe they should be required to take all reasonable steps to protect the health of patients (as cited in Geyer, 2012).
Your Rights, and Life or Your Job?Tyonia Wilson Brown Mackie College AbstractWhen it comes to your health, over your job you should not be forced to get anything that you don’t want to. In the healthcare employees are forced to get the flu shot, by having their job hanging on a thin line. Not taking into the considerations of what the flu shot could do to you, they are forcing it. It is becoming a problem because we as people, and employees are not having a choice on if we want it or not. It should be put to an end. We have rights. Your Rights, and Life or Your Job?Why should we be forced to get something we don’t want to get? Healthcare jobs are forcing employees to get vaccines. Refusing to get a vaccine for a job, or lose my job is what
Do you remember the agony that getting a shot gave you as a child? Most of us believed all doctors were evil because of the pain from the shots they gave us. Even though most children hate vaccinations, they are a vital aspect of society. Many vaccinations are required for children to attend school and participate in certain activities. Some parents believe that vaccinations should not be required due to various reasons such as ineffectiveness and personal beliefs, however, immunization requirements have historically eradicated diseases such as polio, smallpox, and measles. Although many parents believe that vaccinations should not be mandatory, they should be required because they play a critical role in protecting public health, lower the risk of children contracting harmful diseases, and furthermore save lives.