
Vaccination Provision For The United States

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Imagine waking up everyday to the blood-curling screams of a child. Sweat has accumulated on their forehead like condensation upon a glass. Their skin, overcome by agitated hives, is sweltering under the red irritation. Their skin feels as though it is crawling bring about an unbearable itch. Every time the child scrapes his fingernails against the skin, infection spreads contaminating what’s left of his bare skin. He has been suffering for days, he aches for anything that will make the pain to subside. Unable to find anything to ease the pain he lies there in agony. Any caring parent would want to protect their child from any harm. Vaccinations are and easy way to protect them from disease and other viruses. They will protect a child from polio, Hepatitis, and cancer. When provided with a safe and beneficial way to preserve our health, why wouldn’t we take advantage of that? People in the United States are taking advantage of the vaccination exemption status which increases out chances of an outbreak. We need to keep America safe, by vaccinating the future generation.

Background Our bodies were specifically designed to fight off diseases organically through the use of our immune system. When an antigen enters our bodies, our immune system immediately acknowledges its presence and produces antibodies to fight off the foreign organism. The antibodies will search for the disease organism and will dismantle it when found. The next time the body comes in contact with

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