
Vacany's Short Story: The Haunted House

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I had been empty for months it seemed like. Silky cobwebs spun all over inside my walkways, shattered glass near the jagged broken windows, and ten inches of dust covered the old lingering furniture I obtained over the years. That was until I heard an unfamiliar noise.
A car had pulled up in my driveway. Upon exit of the vehicle I could hear what seemed to be two male voices and one female voice. Every now and then I could make out pieces of their convo. I gathered that one was the relator, and a couple named Sam and Ben. There convo was very short outside.
“Here is the house I have told you guys about. It has five bedrooms, two bathrooms, finished basement, and very unique styles throughout all the rooms.” said the realtor.
In awe Sam states, “This is exactly what we have been looking for. It is in the …show more content…

“So you mean to say that this house has been broken into and the previous occupants were killed here? Were the people responsible for the break ins and murder caught?” Ben was very curious now.
The realtor was quick to answer. “ EVeryone responsible for the terrible incidents was charged and put away. The house had been cleaned following the murder; but it has been unoccupied for almost two years now. So lots of cleaning and upkeep will be required upon moving in. Would you guys like to take a look inside?”
I hear the couple respond with, “Yes we would.” That is when it dawned on me they would be entering. My floorboards creaked as they walked up the front porch stairs and entered the front door. As they walked around and spoke I could sense they were very interested in buying me.
After the tour was over they walked out and got back in the car. I could hear the car’s exaust as they sped off. The realtor had no idea what exactly was going on while I was vacant.
The couple ended up buying me. Three weeks after they had made their walkthrough they pulled back up in my driveway with their trucks full of foreign

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