
VSA 70

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VSA 70 POWER OF ATTORNEY TO SIGN FOR OWNER VSA 70, the Power Of Attorney To Sign For Owner is a legal document offering the absolute powers of substitution of the grantor during the registration or transfer of a motor vehicle. The power of attorney grants unlimited rights to the attorney-in fact to act rightfully on the behalf of the registered owner and/or co-owner of the motor vehicle. This Power of attorney supersedes all the previous agreements and power of attorneys signed before. The purpose of VSA 70 is to grant the right to perform essential acts to facilitate the smooth registration and/or transfer of the motor vehicle. The power of attorney applies in respect of transactions in Virginia Motor Vehicles Department, PO Box 27412, Richmond, Virginia 23269-0001. The grant of right to take action on behalf of the owner and/or co-owner of the said motor vehicle authorizes the attorney-in fact to make transactions as and when necessary. Individuals as well as …show more content…

The first section requires input of owner’s name in last, first, and middle as prescribed format. Fill in the street address, city, state, and zip code in spaces provides. Write the name in the format as requested, street address, city, state, and zip code of co-owner if applicable. The second part of the power of attorney seeks the details of attorney-in fact or details of the person to whom the power of attorney is given. Type the last name first, then first name, and middle name. Mention suffix if any. Then write the street address, city, state, and zip code of the person being granted with the power of attorney. Next section of the power of attorney requires details of the motor vehicle being subject to the grant of power of attorney for registering and/or transferring in the DMV of the Virginia State. Fill in the vehicle details like vehicle make, body type, model year, VIN or vehicle identification number, and title number in the space provided for the

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