
Utilitarianism : An Ethical Theory

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Utilitarianism: “The idea that an action is right, as long as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct (Oxford Dictionaries).” This theory was thought up as far back as the 17th century, but didn’t become well known until late into the 18th century when Jeremy Bentham a legal and social reformer gave a powerful presentation of the idea. “Create all the happiness you are able to create; remove all the misery you are able to remove. Every day will allow you, will invite you to add something to the pleasure of others, or to diminish something of their pains (Jeremey Bentham).” Deontology: “An ethical theory that the morality of an action should be based on whether …show more content…

Mill would agree with Jim’s decision to sacrifice one to save many because it supports his universalistic consequentialism view of utilitarianism, which says that the right thing to do is what produces the greatest good for everyone. This theory is also considered “egalitarian” because each person’s interests’ count equally when calculating the total effects of an action. With that being said, the decision to save the other Indians and himself at the expense of one would be the best option due to the fact that the Indians were begging him to save them and that they understood the terms that where given. In this case I would disagree with the views of Mill, because I feel very strongly that if I was put in Jim’s situations I am not morally obligated to make the choice in killing one to save the many. No one’s life is greater or more important than the next. I can 't just do what other people think is more efficient or right in this situation most would save the majority of people to appease the overall happiness of everyone. I won 't because that one person doesn 't deserve to die either, and it doesn 't justify the outcome for me being that I am the one who has to take a life. This may be senseless but that is fine because whether I was there or someone else, somebody has to have their life taken to benefit the next. Whether it be 19 or 1 I personally could not weigh the two and make that choice because

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