In her article entitled " Using service learning to teach classic learning theories ", Sheafer (2014) tells us about a research project of a psychology course at the LeTourneau University which required 19 enrolled students to participate in service learning assignment. Service learning is an educational approach that contributes to the learning of students through involving them in providing an organized voluntary services to the community. The project aims at letting students see empirically verified service learning concepts and related learning theories in actions and reflect on their experience with applying them to real life situations. The project included a three-hour community service followed by a survey of services provided as well
Before deciding where I wanted to do my service learning, I knew I wanted to do something that had some relevance to my degree that I will be receiving in healthcare management. I was eager to gain more experience and become more knowledgeable of how an organization operates as it relates to healthcare management. I was able to secure an opportunity to volunteer at the Dallas Veterans Affairs (VA) Hospital. After completing the required VA forms, I got partnered with Mr. Alonzo Price Jr. who is a Management Analyst in Ambulatory Care, which is the department that oversees the Primary Care Providers.
In the assigned article entitled “Why Service Learning” by Bruce W. Speck, it provides great insight as to why we need to engage in service learning. This article focused on the questions that were like the reasoning behind service learning and how does it benefit the student. One definition in the article that stood out to me was service learning being defined as a pedagogy that fosters the development of skills and knowledge needed for participation in public life. This was prevalent because it allows the student to network with others outside of the community while giving back. Service learning was created to get away from the traditional way of learning while implementing a new learning system.
Assistant Professor of Education, Dan Butin, asserts in his essay " Service- Learning is Dangerous" that service-learning is dangerous because it forces the focus of education outside of the classroom and challenges pre-existing notions of what higher education entails and how it is structured. He suggests that it should be more than just a course, but should be the course itself. He also contends that service-learning is able to provoke the student to question who they are and what they believe. It is able to combine conventional education with life experience for a more rounded approach to educating.
For the Service Learning Assignment, I decided to volunteer at Northwind Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. My current interest is working in the medical field that deals with babies. The service learning placement that best fit my schedule was Northwind Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. This organization works with mostly senior citizens that need special care at all times. There were times where individuals that were not senior citizens that came there because it is not strictly a nursing home. The residents are not able to care for themselves and need constant supervision to ensure their safety. Some of the resident may require physical therapy. My responsibilities was to interact with the different residents on each visit and complete
For the service-learning assignment, I volunteered with Rahab Sisters, but it was my first time, so it was 1.5 hours of orientation and two hours of actually doing something. Rahab’s Sisters is a non-profit organization lead by women who serve other women. Their mission is to offer “Radical Hospitality to women in the Portland Metro area that have been marginalized by the sex industry, domestic violence, poverty, substance abuse, and homelessness” and their vision is to “live in the city of Portland where all women are safe from physical and sexual exploitation (2016).
Before commencing service learning, I had a number of misconceptions towards people with disabilities. Before volunteering, I had a lack of understanding, viewing people with disabilities as dependent and in need of constant help. Another misconception towards people with disabilities was focusing on the person’s lack of ability rather than the individual which consequently resulted in a one-dimensional outlook towards people with disabilities. Reflecting upon these views, I am appalled with these naive and prejudice
Service Learning is an educational strategy set in place to enlighten students with instruction and experience, in addition to improve learning , teach responsibility, and support the community. Service learning is vital to the development of the student, given that it intertwines academic and personal development together. It is aimed to enhance a student’s learning in all aspects of life.
Service learning helps me prepare for college with developing the traits of social involvement with others, organization, a consistently good behavior, and global awareness. These themes are commonly shown throughout 6 different articles involving service learning.
The benefit of service learning for the student and community is again a better inform civic minded individual who may use his experience from service learning as a launching pad for career opportunities to better serve within that community. In an article published in the College Student Journal its author noted that with service learning “students gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility" (Strange,
According to Kathleen Flecky and Lynn Gitlow, service-learning is defined as, “learning that occurs in experiences, reflection, and civic engagement” (Flecky & Gitlow, 2011). In recent years more universities are implementing service learning into their curriculum. A key concept of service learning is civic responsibility. Civic responsibility can simply be defined as your responsibilities as a citizen. As will be shown later in this paper, service learning can have many benefits not only to a student, but also to the community members
It is also a “boundary spanning” activity in that it requires active involvement from people both within and outside of the classroom context, often resulting in participant contributors who represent a variety of generations, ethnicities, social groups, and experience levels (Billig and Furco, 2002, p.vii). Service-learning is designed to reduce the boundaries between an institutional campus environment and the community around it. It is designed to connect learning to real experience through service and reflection (Ball and Schilling, 2006; Becker, 2000). As a baseline to facilitate this development, service-learning is distinct from other types of community service and civic engagement experiences in that the service-learning experience must not only have a service and reflective component but also be clearly tied to the curriculum through learning objectives and theoretical underpinnings (Bloomquist, 2015; Pritchard, 2001). As Barbara Holland, former Director of the U.S. National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, shared, “Service-learning is all in the hyphen. It is the enrichment of specific learning goals through structured community service opportunities that respond to community-identified needs and opportunities.” (Kenworthy-U’Ren, Taylor, and Petri, 2006: 121).
The Society for Experiential Education defines service learning as, “any carefully monitored service experience in which a student has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what he or she is learning throughout the experience” (Staton 1). Service learning is a great opportunity to get extra learning experiences while also experiencing the community around the universities campus. “Service learning allows students to apply what they are learning from their instructors, peers, and readings to genuine tasks that occur outside the four walls of the classroom while simultaneously helping others” (Staton 1). Universities are using service learning to expand beyond the classroom and provide students with experiences that will
The term ‘‘service-learning’’ means a method (A) under which students or participants learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that (i) is conducted in and meets the needs of a community; (ii) is coordinated with an elementary school, secondary school, institution of higher education, or community service program, and with the community; and (iii) helps foster civic responsibility; and (B) that (i) is integrated into and enhances the academic curriculum of the students, or the educational components of the community service program in which the
Nowadays, community service has become a fully organized integral part of social life for people to engage in “activities that address human and community needs”. (Wikipedia) On the other hand, Community service is also an essential component of service-learning course system, as a method of teaching that “encourages a heightened sense of community, civic engagement and personal responsibilities”. (Wikipedia) Different from traditional volunteerism, service-learning program is a form of experiential education where students can apply their classroom learning to support or enhance the work of local agencies in thoughtfully organized service, coordinated with the communities.
With our American society continually changing, the knowledge and practice of our human healthcare and environmental relationship is being challenged. That is, our higher education needs to educate the students by the real-world experiences and not just by the textbook in the classroom. One method that is becoming more popular at the collegiate level is service learning. “Service learning holds the potential to provide a deeper, more transferable meaning of course material for students” (Fisher, 2017) .This teaching strategy gives a great opportunity for students to go in the communities around them and realize the needs and effects of the jobs that are in that community. An excellent example of how service learning would benefit a undergraduate student would be working with the elderly people in a community. “Through service learning, first-year undergraduate students engage in activities that address human and community needs, together with structured opportunities intentionally designed to promote student learning and development” (Tam, 2014). Not only does the students get to understand how to treat the elderly but most of the students retain life lessons from the elderly patients that have been in their shoes and have wise knowledge of how different situations should be handled. With “the success of service-learning projects and their ability to foster student engagement, leaning, and the civic development is in part determined by the presence of key elements in the