
Using Internet As A Marketing Tool Essay

Good Essays

Many businesses are currently using various online platforms to promote and marketing their products. With the advancement of technology and increased access of the internet by people, the business have taken the opportunity to reach their potential customers through the internet. There are various advantages that accrue to a business entity that uses internet as a marketing tool. The internet marketing has tremendously increased and the businesses that have not embraced internet marketing are missing out on great opportunity (Schibrowsky, Peltier & Nill, 2007). The importance of using internet as a marketing tool is as explained below;
The internet is an essential marketing tool as it is convenient for both the clients, potential customers, and the businesses. It is convenient for the businesses because internet marketing is easy and simple therefore it does not involve lengthy procedures. Using the internet as a marketing tool is convenient for the customers as the companies that offer products over the internet enables the customers to make their orders at their own convenience. The customers can get to place their orders online anytime of the day or night and the products they have ordered is delivered to them depending on the policies of the company.
Businesses that use internet as a marketing tool have the advantage of reaching many customers within a short period of time. Marketing over the internet enables the businesses to overcome the

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