
Use Of Spatial Correlation Approach Towards The Analysis And Subsequent

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The aim of this chapter is to provide analysis of the quantitative data collected during the scope of this investigation. The overall focus of this chapter is to use spatial correlation approach towards the analysis and subsequent highlighting of key findings.

UK Immigration Implications – Case Overview
Immigration in the UK is one of the highest item on the agenda of political parties due to the high degree of public interest in the topic due to its links with the economic development and influences on the labour force dynamics in the country. The overall influx of the immigrants into the UK has doubled since 1993 from 2.9 million to 2013 with over 6 million. The impact of this influx of immigrants has led to the rise in share of both foreign-born and foreign-citizens in the overall employment in the UK. According to LFS data analysis, the foreign-born people represented 7.2% of the total employment in 1993 have reached 15.2% in 2013. Similarly, the foreign-citizens represented 3.5% in 1993 have reached 9.3% in 2013. These significant changes within the overall make-up of the UK labour market have therefore been a consistent focus of the theorists and empiricists to understand its implications (Dustmann et alm 2013).

The research within migration has pointed out that it is the level of net migration that should be studied to understand the overall change in the dynamics within the labour markets. The review of the longitudinal data from the UK has highlighted that the

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