
Us Involvement In El Salvador Civil War

Decent Essays

In hopes of preventing El Salvador from becoming a communist country the USA funded the El Salvadoran Civil war. The USA’s involvement in the war in El Salvador is directly related to the cold war because the war was fought indirectly. The general definition of a cold war is a war that is not fought through military actions but is fought indirectly through propaganda, economic actions and proxy wars.
The USA helped the El Salvadoran army by training some of the recruits. They trained the Atlacalta Battalian and, “sent Special Forces instructors in early 1981 to train the first recruits of the new Immediate Reaction Infantry Battalion (BIRI).” (49) One of the Special Forces officers that Danner interviewed explained the training the soldiers received, “They had basic individualized training—you know, basic shooting, marksmanship, squad tactics.” (49) Even though this war was not one that the United States military was fighting in, they had indirect involvement in the civil war between the Salvadoran Army and the Guerrillas. The Battalion was a part of the Salvadoran army that massacred El Salvador, if it wasn’t for the pressure put on the …show more content…

Regardless of everything they heard, and even the pictures they saw. The story of the Massacre was still chalked up to being just propaganda that the guerrillas were trying to use to their advantage. The United States ultimately made the decision to continue funding the war in El Salvador. The U.S. Press did everything they could to cover up what happened in El Mozote to assure that congress continued to provide funding to El Salvador. They were “worried about taking the blame for any advance of Communism in the hemisphere.” (92) By funding the war and assuring that the Guerrillas did not win the U.S. was preventing, “the worst disaster to befall human rights in El Salvador… a Communist victory”

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