
Urinary Tract Disease Research Paper

Decent Essays

Diet Changes for FLUTD

Feline lower urinary tract disease is a general term used when there is a condition affecting a cat’s bladder or urethra. These problems can consist of: urinary stones or crystals that form in the urine and irritate the lining of the bladder, urethral plugs that form in the male cats’ urethra, causing a physical obstruction, spasm of the muscle in the wall of the urethra, stress and behavioral problems, and bacterial infections in the bladder (Understanding). Clinical signs of feline lower urinary tract disease include: straining to urinate, urinating small amounts, frequent and/or prolonged attempts to urinate, crying out while urinating, excessive licking of the genital area, urinating outside the litter box, and blood …show more content…

It is possible to make a homemade diet for your cat but these following things must be followed to ensure a healthy urinary tract. Diluting the urine is extremely important to decrease the number of possible irritants in the bladder causing inflammation in the bladder mucosa. One way to accomplish dilution is to feed a canned food by increasing water intake. Another way to increase water intake is to add a sodium supplementation, however this can be a problem in some cats especially ones with renal failure. Highly acidic diets are not recommended because acidic diets can increase pain perception in the bladder by stimulating the bladders nerves (Sanderson). Ensuring the diet is also low in magnesium will help alleviate the chances of forming crystals, some of which are made up of magnesium, therefore a low magnesium diet will prevent their formation. Also, ensuring the diet is high in protein will bring the urine pH to an optimum level (pH 5.9-6.3) as well as a low-fat content, which is a contributing factor to feline lower urinary tract disease. (Understanding). Usually dietary management will depend of the type of crystal present in the urine. A veterinary diagnosis with a microscopic analysis of the urine is necessary to properly treat feline lower urinary tract disease. A cat’s diet that had an increased level of sodium needs to have regular checkups to monitor blood

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