
Upper-Class Women In The Roman Republic

Decent Essays

“Ancient history, to a considerable degree, has been basically the study of the ruling classes.” Although women did occupy positions in the ruling class, they were seldom granted the same privileges afforded to the men of this same class. The Roman Republic was an era of major change in the status of upper-class women. Although they did not have the same rights nor social status as men, many gained the right to inherit and control their own property, and a few acquired large fortunes. Additionally, women were highly respected in religion. The Roman Monarchy was founded in 753 B.C., the era in which kings ruled, and lasted until 509 B.C when the kings were thrown out and the Republic was established. Although the status of women during the Roman Republic was sparse, women of the upper class used their privilege to further their rights and power over time. They navigated around the restraints of their time by harnessing the influence and wealth of their husbands, by making demands and protesting for basic rights, and by enlarging their role and importance in religion. …show more content…

Some Roman women rose above the limited roles of family and household through religion, gaining the power they otherwise lacked. Religion was an area of daily life in which Roman women took an active role in both the private and public spheres. However, not all rituals were open to all women, or at least not to all women equally. Major factors in determining what religious opportunities were open to women were social and marital or sexual status. Women of the upper class were typically favored and more prominent religious

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