
Unwind Quotes

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Out of the three main characters, Risa, Lev, and Connor, in Neal Shusterman´s novel “Unwind” I feel like I connect the most to Risa. In the book Risa is portrayed as a strong headed and intelligent girl. Not only is she intelligent she also has a gift of playing the piano. Even though i am not musically gifted in any way i am gifted in athletics. Throughout the story her cleverness and steadfastness has helped her in many ways. “They would have been caught on that first night---that’s what would have happened. Ariana wasn’t street smart like Risa.” This quote is referencing how Connor would have been caught if he left with Ariana, but due to Risa’s wit and dexterity they haven’t been caught. These traits help Risa further in the book when

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