
Unknown Lab Report

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Unknown Lab Report

Unknown Organism #6
Ann Le (Phuoc)
May 6, 2010
Dr. Carrington
Microbiology Lab- MW 12:50

Le 1
I. Introduction

My unknown organism #6 is Morganella morganii, which is a gram-negative bacillus rods commonly found in the environment and also in the intestinal tracts of humans, mammals, and reptiles as a normal flora. (3, 5) This bacterium Morganella morganii, was first discovered in the 1906 by a British bacteriologist named H. de R. Morgan. (2) Despite its wide distribution, it is an uncommon cause of community-acquired infection and is most often encountered inpostoperative and other nosocomial settings. (2, 3) Morganella morganii infections respond well to appropriate antibiotic therapy; however, its …show more content…

Next I performed a KOH test to further confirm that my organism was a Gram-negative species. For the KOH test, I added 3 drops of 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) to a small drop of distilled water onto a clean microscope slide, transferred a visible clump of organism to the KOH solution using my inoculating loop. I than mixed the cells into the solution using small, circular motions for 60 seconds and then lifted up the loop to look for what appears to be a “stringing” affect which means it’s confirmed that it is gram- negative species. Next, I created a streak plate using nutrient agar so that I could see pure culture of my organism. I aseptically obtained a loop full of my organism and gently inoculated one quarter of the nutrient agar plate by running the loop back and forth across the surface. I then flame sterilized the inoculating loop, allowing it to cool for 10 seconds, and then streaked the organism from quadrant I into quadrant II using a zigzag motion technique. I repeated those steps streaking from quadrant II to quadrant III and then streaking from quadrant III to quadrant IV. Once completed, I put the streak plate in the incubator at 37° for 24-48 hours. 48 hours later, I check my streak plate and it had a lot of growth on it. I was able to determine that the organism was definitely an off white color, opaque. The IV quadrant was the quadrant that best

Le 5 represented the colony. The whole colony was round, having

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