
Unknown Compounds Lab Report

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Even though the compounds provided in this lab did not come with any information, one must use their knowledge and investigative skills to formulate their own justifications for the unknown substances through performing a wide variety of tests. To elaborate, these trials are crucial for solving the identity of these compounds as each of their characteristics that they exhibit (the outcome of the experiments) are directly connected to a specific chemical compound group, whether it be metallic, ionic, polar covalent, non-polar covalent or network covalent.

Unknown compound #1 and #4: First of all, it is most certain that the first and fourth unknown compounds should be classified as an ionic since their qualitative and quantitative properties …show more content…

As an illustration, this unknown substance was insoluble in water, just like how many metallic bonds cannot dissolve in water. Furthermore, since these bonds are held together very firmly by their intermolecular forces, it will require excessive amounts of energy to split these metallic bonds that are found in the molecules of the substance. The same thing could used to explain why metallic bonds have such high melting points – a strong attraction in which closely packed positive metal cations and free/delocalized electrons are present in the structure. The strong bonds between the metal cations and the delocalized electrons must be affected before the metal can change from solid to a liquid – higher temperatures provide more energy which could easily split the bonds, which is why metallic bonds have such high melting points. Metallic bonds such as this unknown substance are able to allow the flow of electric current on their surface is because of their atomic structure which is accessible for electricity. As the outermost electrons can move freely around the atomic structure of the metallic bond, it won’t matter what potential difference is used as the electric current could enter through the metal. Most importantly, this unknown substance must be a metallic bond due to its malleability property – all metals can be pressed permanently or hammered out of shape …show more content…

Non-polar covalent bonds cannot dissolve in water because all that the water can do is try to attract the non-polar molecules, but it will only result in a strong hydrogen bond. In addition, since the solvent’s (polar) and solute’s (non-polar) polarity are unalike from each other, that also indicates that it will not dissolve. Also, the non-polar molecules lack positive and negative ends (dipoles), making it hard to form bonds with the water molecules. The reason why non-polar compounds have very low melting points as their only intermolecular force that they posses is London dispersion, which only requires a little amount of energy to split the bond; seeing how electrons in a London dispersion force are distributed all around the nucleus, this factor provides one side of the molecule with more electron density than the opposite side. Just like polar molecules, non-polar bonds cannot conduct electric current as non-polar compounds lack a charge when they are in their molten or solid forms. What is perhaps the biggest indicator that the fifth unknown compound is nonpolar is because it was able to dissolve completely in a nonpolar solvent, which is known as cyclohexane. At the end, this nonpolar substance was able to dissolve in cyclohexane as there is no attraction present between the both the cyclohexane and the unknown nonpolar substance’s

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