
Universal Human Rights In Elie Wiesel's Night

Decent Essays

Violated “They used humans as targets, throwing babies into the air, and shooting them!” These were the words of Moche the Beadle. In the memoir Night, a memoir that takes place during the Holocaust in a time when Jews were persecuted that is told by a boy names Eliezer Wiesel, Jews were imprisoned under the hands of the Nazi for their race, culture, and beliefs. Nazi Germany was a power that violated many Universal Human Rights such as, the freedom from slavery, adequate living conditions, and the right to own personal property. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, people have the freedom from slavery. In the memoir “Night,” the setting takes place during the Holocaust when many Jews were imprisoned, and forced into labor. These concentration camps, also known as death camps, are similar to the idea of slavery due to the fact that Jews were unwillingly put to work, and threatened if they refused to do so. Shown on page 33, an …show more content…

The prisoners of the Holocaust described in the memoir suffered from poor living conditions such as thirst, and starvation. Jews were also physically and mentally abused in the cases of separation, and violent acts. On page 65 of Night, Eliezer is physically abused when he is whipped, “Then I was aware of nothing but the strokes of the whip, he took his time between each stroke.” The beating of Eliezer gives a clear understanding that Jewish prisoners, or prisoners in general, were mistreated, and the brutality of these camps, which violated the Human Rights. In addition, on page 83, Eliezer speaks of the harshest days of his experiences during the Holocaust, “These were terrible days. We received more blows than food; we were crushed with work.” Eliezer conveys a message that they worked more than they got to rest or eat. The situations of the prisoners are an example of poor conditions, or poor living

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