
Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR)

Decent Essays

Rich or poor, black or white, basic human rights are something that everyone deserves and are needed to keep human life fair and just. Fortunately, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was published. This set of laws provides and describes every single right each human is entitled to. All countries are supposed to follow these laws for the integrity and health of their people, but sadly some don’t. The laws around child labor, slavery, and other parts of the declaration are ignored in certain countries. Even in our own country, the rights have been broken, for example, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The KKK was an intense and horrid group whose purpose was to fight for white supremacy.
The KKK's origin dates back to 1866 in the southern United States. The group was focused on white supremacy and thought all other races and religions were inferior. Immigrants, blacks, jews, and catholics are just a few of the groups that the Klan did not support. Only after decades of the Klan being around did the KKK Act come along. This Act made certain actions that the KKK performed illegal and a federal issue. Along with their ways of …show more content…

‘We do not hate anyone,’ imperial wizards says.”(Alicia W. Stewart) Alicia writes about how some Ku Klux Klan groups are not hating, but just want to be around the white race. On the contrary to this, other parts of the south are heating up even more recently. shows a slideshow of images with the Klan in groups or robed clothing. One image shows a group's burning of a swastika and a cross. This modern day action also breaks Article 1 and 2 of the UDHR, as stated before. Even closer to home, just this past August, Klan paper fliers were found on Long Island. This breaks article number 5 which states Nobody has the right to torture, harm or humiliate you. The posters give the intentions of the KKK which connects it with their actions. As a result, the Klan is still around to voice their opinion wherever you may

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