
Universal College Research Paper

Decent Essays

Requel’s Great College Race Universal College chose me,because of the courses they had down as popular major; I will contribute to the college by bettering my knowledge in science and weather; by bettering my knowledge I can better the schools warning system; participating in soccer, and interactive(hands-on) clubs to get to know science;I will further my career and hope to keep striving for my doctoral, thus I will then will be completed at Universal College with degrees in weather and science.Furthermore,contributing to Universal College for me, means getting to eventually start my own weather and science club. I plan on using the knowledge learned in my academic courses to create clubs for weather to show how the severe weather warning systems work, and how to possibly better them. Club creation will then lead to bettering the knowledge of my fellow students when it comes to science and weather of the atmosphere earth has been situated …show more content…

Instead of partying and messing around I plan to allow myself into clubs to further my academic purposes. Accomplishments in my eyes are going to be creating my own club based on science and weather, and to extend my knowledge farther than just a masters degree. This experience is important because I will then have the opportunity to show Universal College how I started at the bottom and worked my way to the top.In clonclusion, Universal College chose me for the courses they have majors in. I will contribute by building a better club suitable for learning more about weather and science. Participating in clubs, soccer and making a college club known for students that enjoy science is my participation in Universal College. Therefore I will accomplish my dreams of gaining my masters and doctoral degree in science and weather, thus completing my college

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