The CITES is an international agreement that entered in force the 1st of July 1975. It is designed to prevent any threat, caused by international trade, towards the survival of specimens of wild animals and plants. The global scale of the trading network nowadays imposes this convention to have an international scope, thus to include 181 parties protecting more than 35,000 species
This treaty has 2 main purposes: it aims to improve the working of the Convention, also, ensure that CITES policy developments are mutually supportive of international environmental priorities and new international initiatives.
The species included in this convention are sorted into three appendices: Appendix I includes species threatened with extinction and
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There are also more broad metrics like the Living Planet Index (measure of biodiversity).
A difficulty to address this problem
A convention such as CITES can impose total trade bans on certain species. While the reason is environmentally sound, politicians don’t always agree. The reason behind this are the commercial and economic benefits that countries get out of specific trades. For instance, the main challenge in 2013 was to add to the CITES Appendix II several species of sharks. This proposal faced a strong resistance from China, Japan and their allies, where the shark fin trade is a tradition, causing horrific changes in the population of these species. The same problem happened in 2013 during the CoP16 when Canada rejected the decision to enlist the Polar Bear in the Appendix I, due to its impact on the lives of the Inuit
Cooney, R., & Abensperg-Traun, M., (2013)
Evaluating the success
This agreement has been at the origin of some positive movements and actions, however, it has also showed weaknesses in terms of policy and
Why does the U.S. government need to intervene in international trade by setting up the U.S. Commercial Service?
Conservation of our biodiversity not only demonstrates foresight, it protects the natural resources so vital to our own continued existence. The value of any single species to an ecosystem is immeasurable; the environment will not endure without its species, despite size or niche. These animals are not dispensable. And, they are apt to face extinction in the not too distant future, unless a resolve for their preservation is insisted by the public and enforced by governments internationally.
As natural resources experience an increased impact by human activities, the list of endangered species of flora and fauna expands. This highlights the importance of bringing all aspects of conservation efforts to the forefront. These efforts are often restricted by funding and logistical components and so prioritization must take place to ensure the preservation of critical populations and habitats, rather than a species in its entire historical range. It is critical to preserve genetic diversity which, in turn, allows for the preservation of the ecological and evolutionary aspects that are required for a species to continue to exist.
U.S. trade patterns are an important topic of study due to America’s power and central position in the international market. This topic of US trade partners and our trading patterns with those partners has been approached from a variety of perspectives by several economists. Namely, Sattinger (1978), Srivastava and Green (1986), Summary (1989), and Pollins (1989a and 1989b). The literature draws many conclusions from American competitiveness and the political and social factors that help explain bilateral trade patterns the choice of trade partners. And while there is an abundance of literature concerning this topic there has been little done from the perspective of how America’s trade partners have developed and shifted over the last 25 years, which is what this paper will focus on achieving. International trade flows are also an important topic and have been estimated by many economists including, Tinbergen (1962), Anderson (1979), Helpman and Krugman (1985), Helpman (1987), Feenstra (2002), and Anderson and van Wincoop (2003). Each of these researchers used a variant of the gravity model to estimate trade flows which not only demonstrates the continuing empirical validity of the model but gives firm background with which to base this analysis. The basic gravity model states that the volume of trade between two countries is proportional to the size of the two economies, and various measures of trade resistance such as geographical distance between the countries,
The categories that they get on the endangered list are: population reduction, restricted geographic range, small population size and decline, very small or restricted population, and quantitative analysis
The National Wildlife Institute has published “Conservation Under the Endangered Species Act: A Promise Broken”. Their critique of the Act includes questioning the programs undertaken as a result of the Act have played sufficient roles in the recovery of species that were delisted, as well as questioning the allocation of funding to programs intended to aid listed species.
It is important to resolve taxonomic uncertainty of species in conservation programs as resources may be wasted on conserving populations of a common species, distinct species may be hybridized and undescribed threatened species may not be protected.
In the days of the American colonies, many colonists began to feel oppressed and began
Taxonomists have the important occupation of naming, describing, and classifying organisms into specific species. A species is defined as a group of organisms that consist of similar individuals that are competent of exchanging genes through interbreeding. Scientists estimate that there are roughly 6.5 million terrestrial species and 2.2 aquatic species living on planet Earth. The naming of a specific organism becomes crucial when dealing with those who are endangered because of the Endangered Species Act. This act allows organisms to obtain special protections for not only their species but for their environment as well. Obviously, these precautionary measures must take place for the survival of the species, but unfortunately it can also have the potential to create a significant social and economic dilemma on society.
Within the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service helps watch over and investigate the health of different species. Then, local and national scientist collects data to determine if a species gets put on the Endangered Species list. The main factor to determine the endangerment of a species is if a large percentage of the species’ habitat has been destroyed. Next, note if the animal’s population has been excessively decreasing, threatened by disease, or any terrorized by any predators. Also, record any man-made
2.) In addition to predator/prey relationships of specialist organisms, another example of an interspecies relationship is mutualism, such as the relationship found between the honey badger and honeyguide bird. The prevalence of one species is directly impacted by the prevalence of the other, since both rely on each other to obtain food. Therefore, would the method of calculating EDGE scores for mammals be more reliable for indicating the conservation priorities of species if it accounted for the mutualistic relationships between highly interdependent species? What kinds of calculations would be necessary to account for highly interdependent mutualistic relationships? What system could we use to link the IUCN listing/EDGE score/conservation
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a global organization that helps countries and producers of goods deal fairly and smoothly with conducting their business across international borders. It mainly does this through WTO agreements, which are negotiated and signed by a large majority of the trading nations in the world. The purpose of the WTO is to ensure that global trade commences freely, smoothly and predictably while also aiming to create economic peace and stability in the world through a multilateral system. This is based and applied to member states, currently 162 countries, that have consented and ratified the rules of the WTO in their individual countries. Simply put, these documents act as contracts that provide the legal framework for conducting business among nations, integrating into a country 's domestic legal system, therefore, applying to local companies and nationals in the conduct of business internationally. For instance, if a company were to open an office or business in a foreign country, the rules of the WTO dictates how that can be done.1
Simultaneously, thousands of other species across the globe face the same threat: extinction. Biodiversity is an essential part of our world, our global ecosystem. As Planet Earth?s resources diminish and its creatures vanish, those who recognize the need to preserve what is disappearing look to international politics to accomplish what individuals cannot. The most important instrument for implementation of international policy has been the Convention On International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which went into effect in 1975.
In the recent years, business become more larger due to the advancement of technology, a renewed enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and a global sentiment that favors international trade to connect people, business and market. The economist emphasize about the international trade can increase the production of goods and service, increase the demand from the consumer in local or international, the diversification of goods and services and the stability in the supply and prices of goods and services. As a result, it becomes the main part of the international business and motivated countries to trade with borders. The United States implied the government intervention since the great depression through the financial sector rescue
To comprehend the potential and actual effects of governmental intervention on the free flow of trade