
United States And Education For Children With Disabilities

Decent Essays

The US helped aid the UN to serve all its citizens with disabilities. For education the UN’s preamble was also written with on crucial addition, Article 24. Article 24 specifically mandated the UN’s goals in education for children with disabilities. Article 24 calls for an inclusive education with a full front commitment from the state. It looks at the child with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities, and administers solutions to address their gaps in education. For example they can now learn in different languages; Braille, sign language, and low vision aids. The child may also receive support in the classroom with aids, different structured classroom environments, and other adjustments. For the system to work parents, children, and the school system must be on board to better the child’s education. Additionally the UN administers one last provision for financial help. State schools will be granted supplementary grants to support the implementation of special classrooms. The increase in budget is estimated to aid in educated students past the primary level so the students will have a chance to be successful in secondary education. Section 2 The United States of America is a leading country in setting an example for the Disabled rights movement in education. In their efforts to diminish unfair educational opportunities and treatments the primary basis of which educational equality uprooted from the Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA). EAHCA

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