
Unit 7

Satisfactory Essays

Discussion Assignment Unit 7 Job postings often state that the successful applicant must have "superior critical thinking and problem solving skills." Employers tell college administrators that graduates, both from undergraduate and graduate programs, often lack these skills. 1. Having read this week's assigned materials, and having a clear understanding of what is meant by "critical thinking," why are employers making these comments? Employers expect that new graduates can work efficiently and productively in a complex work environment. However, the outcomes of the work performance of these new graduates may not meet the employers’ expectations. They may not have a broad knowledge which is required for the job, or they may lackpractical skills to implement in a real world working place; or they may not demonstrate the ability to collect and evaluate …show more content…

2. Are they justified? I think they are partially justified by looking at things from the employers’ perspective, when they are not getting what they have paid for; especially, when the new graduates have not done their part to prepare themselves for the workplace, or have not acquired the necessary knowledge and practical skills for the work. However, there are other factors which could be involved, such as; the colleges’ curricula which was not designed to train students for critical thinking; many colleges are failing to provide the guidance and opportunities to assist students to acquire these skills; the gaps that exist between the academic skills and practical skills which are required at a workplace. Also, there are not enough opportunities for the college students to

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