
Unit 4 Study Guide Anatomy and Physiology

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Unit 4 Lecture Study Guide
Use the lecture folder to help you complete this guide. The more detail you can provide the better prepared for the test you will be.
1. What is the integumentary system and its primary characteristics?
The integumentary system is the skin and its derivatives; it provides external protection for the body. Its characteristics are: covers the entire body, accounts for about 7% of total body weight, pliable, yet durable, thickness: 1.5 to 4.0 mm, composed of the epidermis and dermis.
2. Describe and give at least one example of each of the functions of the integumentary system.
Protection – 3 different barriers: Chemical Barriers (skin secretion and melanin) Physical/Mechanical Barriers – continuity of the …show more content…

What is the ABCDE rule and what does it help to detect?
ABCDE rule will give you an idea of what to look for in a changing mole.
Asymmetry- two sides don’t match
Border irregularity- not smooth and have indentations
Color- more than one color
Diameter- larger than 6mm in diameter
Elevation- elevated above skin surface
11. List the functions of the skeletal system.
Support, movement and leverage, protection, mineral storage, blood cell synthesis (hematopoiesis)
12. What are the 3 types of cartilage and where would you find each type?
Hyaline- found in the bronchi, larynx, nose trachea
Elastic- external ear, epiglottis
Fibrocartilage- found in the knees and elbows
13. List the main classifications for bones. Give an example for each classification.
Long bones- femur and radius
Short bones- lunate bone and first cuniform
Sesamoid bones- patella
Flat bones- frontal bone and scapulae
Irregular bones- hyoid bone and atlas bone
14. Describe the structure of a long bone.
Diaphysis- shaft
Epiphysis- ends of bone; contain red marrow
Medullary cavity- contains yellow marrow
Epiphysis plate- found between diaphysis and epiphysis; long bone growth
15. Differentiate between osteocytes, osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
Osteoclast- cells which dissolve bone
Osteoblast- cells which build bone by removing calcium and phosphates form the blood in the presence of the enzymes alkaline phosphates secrete by

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