
Unit 3 Assignment 1 Opinion Mining

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Social media has emerged as the most powerful form of communication these days. The ability to voice an opinion from anywhere over anything has coined and popularized the term ‘Global Citizen. Many social platforms available these days provide the avenues for the companies and organization to make a brand for themselves by directly engaging with their customers. If you don’t like some brand you bought or a movie you just watched, login on Twitter or Facebook and tell the world. These platforms provide an access into what is currently trending or making the stir at the moment. Thus, there is a huge repository of opinionated data that if harnessed strategically can help to solve problems ranging from what product to invest into complex business …show more content…

Not just limiting to product marketing or perception, this tool can also be used to gain insights into the perception of any topic like a national event, sports, celebrity, political issues, natural disaster etc.
1.1 Opinion Mining
Opinion mining (or Sentiment Analysis) is the practice of extracting simple human sentiments like positive or negative, objectivity or subjectivity from the text written in natural language [3]. The way we perceive things or express feelings are different from other and that’s why opinion mining is most intriguing research area in today’s times. Opinion mining has developed into the most active research area in data mining. Due to its wide range of influence, it has spread across the areas of marketing and social science and not just been confined to computer science.
1.2 Levels of Opinion Mining
¬ Document Level
In this type of opinion mining, the sentiment extracted from the entire document is summarized as the opinion of the entire data. It is assumed that the document is written from the perception of a single author with a specific opinion in …show more content…

After extracting the features, a summarized opinion is concreted based on those features.
1.3 Techniques for Opinion Mining
Opinion mining (also known as sentiment analysis) focuses mainly on two things, first identifying whether the text is subjective or objective and then determining the polarity of the subject [3]. Opinion words in the text mostly contribute towards the subjectivity of the text. These opinion words together inform about the emotional context of the text. Objective words contribute towards the factual construct of the text. There are three most common approaches used for determining the sentimental content of a text
¬ Lexical Analysis
This is basically a dictionary approach. The text under analysis is converted into tokens. Each token is then matched with the dictionary. If the match is positive, it increments the total score of the text so far, else there is a decrement in the text score if there is a negative match. For example, the word ‘beautiful’ will increment the total score since it is a positive match. It is a basic but very efficient technique. One major drawback of this approach is that its accuracy and efficiency degrades drastically with the growth of the size of the dictionary

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