
Unit 2 Numbers Research Paper

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Numbers, simple lines connected to each other in different ways. Yet these simple configurations of lines have created the basis for all living things. Measurements of any kind require the use of these mere human constructs. The numbers 185463 are no different: they’re just numbers. However, humans are able to understand them in so many different ways. The two most important numbers 1 and 8; 18 proves itself to be a multiple of the other two pairs of digits. For example, 18 goes into 54, which is the combination of the second digits in the number. The last two digits, 36, are also divisible by 18 which is the inverse of the third digit pairing in the series. In addition 18 is divisible by 9, which is also a characteristic of the other two terms. It can also be shown that every sequential pair of digits add up to 9. It is more clearly shown with an example. The first two numbers, 1 and 8, add up to 9. The next two numbers, 5 and 4, add up to 9, and also the next two numbers 6 and 3 also add up to 9. The numbers …show more content…

As mentioned, the number 185463 contains a fractal which adds to the idea of the beauty in numbers. Fractals in nature include seashells, snowflakes, and lightning; all very beautiful sights, and seeing that there is a fractal in this number it promotes the idea of how beautiful numbers can be too. When this number first came to my attention my first impression was that it was an amount of something. This is very reasonable because numbers determine every subject on this earth, the importance achieved from these numbers is through their contribution to society. The number 185463 represents an amount of something, possibly a salary, chairs in an inventory, and maybe a population in a certain city. There are so many different possibilities that can be created with the use of this number, just look a little closer and you can discover the power and beauty of all

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