
Unit 1 Remediation Lab Report

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According to this article, there is a chromium-contaminated superfund site at Shipyard creek here in Charleston. A superfund site is a location that is so heavily polluted, it requires immediate attention. This superfund site has undergone remediation in 2003. 1 Remediation is an environmental process that deals with the removal of pollutants and contaminants from soil, groundwater, or surface waters. What the scientists who wrote this article did was take a species of minnow found in the Shipyard creek area and measures their gene expression using microarrays or gene chips. The Mummichogs minnows are used to observe the effects from anthropogenic chemicals in our pollution. The purpose of this experiment was to find out the effects of these …show more content…

cDNA arrays were then developed which brought the results of the experiment. The methods used were mainly field and laboratory research from samples. Tissue concentrations of chromium (which was at a very high concentration prior to cleanup) decreased from 2000 but then increased in 2005. Tissue concentrations of many other metals had the same effect (an increase in metal concentration in tissue samples). They also determined the average of relative intensity of arrays in 2000, 2003, and 2005 and determined it was associated with body burden. Body burden is the total amount of a chemical present in a human or animal’s body, usually a toxic substance. Due to the site being hydraulically dredged, increased the concentrations of chromium and bioavailability. According to Roling (2007), “the relatively high ration of body burden to gene expression for 2005 and the observation that the gene expression profiles were much different and greater in 2000 than 2005 suggest that the recently dredged sediments and the newly released chromium has relatively little biological effect on the fish”. The authors believe the remediation process was an overall …show more content…

A., Bain, L. J., Gardea-Torresdey, J., Key, P. 2 B., & Baldwin, W. S. (2007). 3 USING MUMMICHOG (FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS) ARRAYS TO MONITOR THE EFFECTIVENESS OF REMEDIATION AT A SUPERFUND SITE IN CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26(6), 1205-13. Retrieved from Much of the research I did on the water in Charleston has many pieces of information regarding e.coli in the water, which is typically found in the intestines of mammals. This determines fecal matter in the water and can prove to be toxic. The authors of this article go into depth on the toxicity of and pollution of the e.coli. The purpose of their experiment was to determine if cattle contributed to these elevated levels in Toogoodoo Creek, South Carolina. Toogoodoo is a creek located in Charleston county where fish are harvested (mainly shellfish) and has been affected by pathogens such as e.coli. They collected surface water samples at various times, mostly after a rain event and then collected samples regardless of weather. In addition, they also collected fresh fecal samples from 14 cattle and 2 horses that resided in a nearby pasture. They collected a sewage sample from a pump station to represent human fecal matter and also collected deer and raccoon anal swabs to use as comparison. Results determined that both cattle and raccoons contribute to the pollution in fecal

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