
Unit 1 Reflection

Decent Essays

In “Immersion”, the teacher recognized that Moises understood the math concepts, but was hindered by his low English proficiency. However, she failed to provide him with proper language support and interventions. I would have worked to “…scaffold instruction through flexible grouping that promotes interaction between the teacher and students, and among students” (Echevarría, Vogt, and Short 261). Moises could have benefitted from peer-assisted learning by being grouped with a Spanish speaking student who had a strong English proficiency level. I would have also modified my speech, provided sentence frames, modeled responses, and allotted Moises extra time to answer the question.
Moises reminded me of Maricela from “ELLs: Culture, Equity, and Language” who explained that she knew what was going on during class but couldn’t participate because of her low English proficiency level. Maricela felt that she was being …show more content…

According to Habib, Densmore-James, and Macfarlane, “…building relationships, exercising holistic care, building capacity, and building trust” (174) are critical components to building a culture of care in a classroom. Creating a culture of care in a classroom allows a teacher to create an environment where all students feel safe, respected, appreciated, and comfortable, thereby developing a positive and supportive classroom environment where effective learning can take place. In addition to creating a culture of care, ELLs’ learning styles, affective behaviors, and home-culture classroom norms should be considered when creating a culturally responsive classroom. As a teacher, I encourage all my students “…to learn from and interact respectfully with people from one’s own and other cultures” (Habib, Densmore-James, and Macfarlane 173) when I follow the six recommended tenets (173). This fosters an effective learning environment while also modeling and emphasizing respect for others, something of which our society is starting to lose

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