We DO reap what we sow, though we may not always see the immediate effects of it. Imagine if ALL the unfiltered words, whether good, fruit-producing blessings, or unmerciful, short-sighted, demeaning curses, that we spoke about people behind their back, to our families and to our friends, IMMEDIATELY began manifesting in our own lives, the moment we spoke it. We sure would be a lot more selective about what we spoke about people. What we are speaking, may even be all fact-based, but most the time it is partially fact-based because we have not considered God's opinion on the matter. We need to ask ourselves, do we speak things that make ourselves feel better about our own strengths? Could it be that our words are self-serving opinions to try
The preacher must want to proclaim the word in order for it to be effective. There must be a fervent burning within, to drive a preacher to be proficient in the craft of preaching. “There is a sense in which the sermon preparation time is an act of worship. It is not simply some technical/skills- oriented exercise separate and apart from the transformation we seek to evoke in others through the power of the Holy Spirit.” In order to reach the depths of the word of God, one must have a desire to dig and prepare. One’s desire should be considered as a matter of life or
Capital punishment is never morally justified, and feminist, progressive and socialist ethics would always consider the social and family environment that produced the criminal in the first place, including poverty, racism, segregation or other types of oppression. It would also examine ways that society could be reformed on restricted in ways that would reduce oppression, such as ending the ghettoization of minorities or the extreme inequality between rich and poor in the United States. Indeed, inequality is more extreme in the U.S, than any other Western nation, the prison population is larger and the social safety net much weaker. These conditions have worsened during the present recession, particularly for blacks and Hispanics. Among Western nations, only the U.S. still practices capital punishment even though there was a moratorium in 1967-77 because of Supreme Court rulings. Feminist ethics would also emphasize caring, community, empathy and interpersonal relationships instead of morality based on following rules and regulations (Volbrect 17). Their response to the death penalty as well as war and other forms of public or state-sanctioned violence would therefore be pacifist, and demand social, economic and cultural change rather than punishment of perpetrators.
J. Daniel Baumann asserts that a preacher, therefore, should be a good craftsman, but never a mere technician. He should not devote too much time to form and too little to content, if a preacher studies the use of form as something apart from content, then he may become a rhetorician, an attractive speaker, but will turn out to be something less than a preacher of the gospel. God still intends for preaching to be a part of the church’s ministry (Hamilton).
The art of preaching is a task that I have worked hard on. When God first called me to preach I was so nervous that I would dry-heave when I got behind the pulpit. I struggled putting together an outline of more than one point. I have, with the help of the Lord, conquered my fear of standing before people and ministering passionately, authoritatively, and illustratively. Recently I conducted a survey among students of the good qualities of preachers they listen to on a regular basis. One of my top qualities they pointed out
According to the article “Should a Hated Word Be Banned?” by Jodi Rudoren of the Upfront, the banning of the word “Nazi” in Israel does have its benefits. For example, the highest legislature of Israel has even agreed to a bill banning slurs related to the Holocaust preliminarily (Rudoren 14). Also, the supporters of the bill say that the law is needed to stop anti-Semitism from growing and to keep Holocaust slurs from becoming normal (Rudoren 14). Shimon Ohayon, a lawmaker who is a backer of the bill, talks about how other words could be used instead of Holocaust terms: “What I’m asking is, please put away this special situation that has to do with our history” (Rudoren 14). Additionally, some countries already prohibit Nazi symbols (Rudoren
Have you ever seen terrible things be done, but see the good in people? Most of the time human nature is to base judgement on first impressions. Although there are many people that disregard that and look beyond their actions and look deeper to see the pureness of their hearts. Anne Frank is a great example of this kind of person as she once said, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” Finally, humans aren’t perfect, and have created destruction at some points in their lives, despite that everyone’s heart is in the right place, but is hidden.
Gwen, God has called and chosen many preachers that were not skilled or knew anything about preaching or scriptures. One pastored testified and said the only scripture he memorized and knew when God called him was the 23rd Psalm. Those preachers are dynamic speakers and can engage an audience because they solely relied upon the Holy Spirit as their teacher and guide. Truly, I am not against acquiring skills, because I am attending South University (smile). However, some pastors put book knowledge before the first schooling (Holy Spirit).
Introduction: Recidivism or, habitual relapses into crime, has time and time again proven to be an issue among delinquents, which thereby increases the overall juvenile prison population. This issue has become more prevalent than what we realize. Unless a unit for measuring a juvenile’s risk of recidivism is enacted and used to determine a system to promote effective prevention, than the juvenile prison population will continue to increase. Our court system should not only focus on punishing the said juvenile but also enforce a program or policy that will allow for prevention of recidivism. So the question remains, how can recidivism in the juvenile prison population be prevented so that it is no longer the central cause for increased
can make people think bad for just one person but not everyone is going to and be that way.
Hello Herbert, you mentioned a few different bible phrases in your post but I would like to speak on one phrase in particular. The phrases that I am speaking of is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I personally feel that this phrase is only used by most people when they feel they have been done wrong and do to that fact, it is often times used out of context. This phrase is supposed to be a lesson for individuals to learn about how to treat others in every situation in life. Sadly it seems that the only thing many individuals have gained from this phrases is to use it to persecute others when they have been treated
DamaiMikaz taught me that people should not act on impacting hurtful comment on themselves nor, matter of factly, others. Instead, we should live and appreciate the gift we were given. Even if times get hard, walk forward. Continue to walk forward; Do not let the darkness entwine itself around your mind and distract yourself from the path, deserted and alone. Learn to love ourselves and others periodically. And lastly, appreciate what was given to us as some may not have been gifted as well.
The diction of Brave New World contains numerous of complex words that contain at least 4 syllables. However, this later changes between the conversations or dialogue of characters because of the informality. Nevertheless, the difficult words which contain more than two syllables fits into the overall setting of Brave New World since it takes place in an advanced and future world that more of an adaption to technology, “The abnormal endocrine coordination causing the slow growth was postulated to be a germinal mutation.” In addition to matching the setting, these words can show the intelligence of the characters because of the complex scientific words, "A man so conventional, so scrupulously correct as the Director - and to commit so gross a solecism (Huxley 136)!" As stated earlier, Huxley uses informal diction for specific dialogues between characters. For instance, even though Lenina works as a nurse, her dialogue is mostly often written informally. Because of this change of diction, Huxley portrays Lenina as more of a simpler character than the rest of those who work in the factory, such as Henry.
A quote from the Dalai Lama that said, “When you talk, you only repeating what you know; but when you listen, you learn something new.” He meant that people say what they hear and parroting from what they heard. If they have the capacity to listen,
It is said because of His holiness, he always actively speaks the truth to demonstrate this. (Towns 69) This can be seen in Romans 3:4 where Paul states, “By no means! Let God be true
In life, there will be times when people witness the actions of others whether doing things right or doing things wrong, meanwhile, these times are opportunities to address those concerns with intent to correct in a way that is excellent and prosperous. In addition are the times when people purposely fail to correct others after witnessing negative actions. Biblical implementations serve as confirmation of this behavior. The behavior is normal otherwise, personal feelings and sudden responses at an inappropriate time are sure to produce turmoil which is a potential hazard to peace. These experiences are remedied by using a few simple steps from a personal perspective, such as analyzing the situation to determine the best way to respond while keeping to biblical standards, taking ownership of personal wrongdoings that contribute to the conflict, righteously help others to understand what negative impacts may or may not be a result of a personal negligence, and a plan to restore peace by