
Unexamineded Life According To Socrates: The Unexamined Life

Decent Essays

In this paper, the reader will understand why the “unexamined life” is worth living rather than the moral life. According to Socrates, the “examined life” is defined as an examination of your life ethically, the rightness or wrongness of what you do before making choices and taking action. In life, people are always given two options when a certain situation is at hand, either they choose to do what is best for them or they choose to do what is best for the other people around them. Many people would agree that doing everything for one’s own benefit is right, even though some may choose otherwise. An example of this is, my father’s partner at work decided he wanted split up and take everything with him leaving my father with only a penny. My …show more content…

Now my father was faced with a choice to make, to either live the “examined life’’ or the “unexamined life.” This is a difficult decision for him to make because, he has a wife and children at home that he needs to take care of and put food on the table for, every night. In the end my father chose the “unexamined life.” In my family many of the family members have had a history of being in court for many reasons. It is believed that as long you have the best lawyer to win your case you will win, even if the lawyer is lying; because you want your lawyer to try to turn everything into your favor. The people “outside the cave” like my father and the lawyer want to have and keep the …show more content…

Socrates was a man that believed that human life is meant for growth, whether spiritual or personal. The only way to grow according to Socrates was to examine human natures patterns and one may do that by examining other humans around himself. In film The 11th Hour it talks about how in order to help the earth we must live sustainable lives, so that we can have a next generation. We have to do the “right thing” we must change the whole system in which we operate, and it can also hard to accomplish in the process. We can start by being eco-friendly and using things that are recyclable and making the things use regularly are eco-friendly. Even though it will make things more expensive, it helps make a one class system and people will not live such luxurious lives. Socrates’s way of life had eventually led to his downfall with them “trial and execution on Socrates, where he was sentenced to be poisoned for corrupting the youths knowledge and asking philosophical questions. Before his tragic death in 399 BC he had said “the unexamined life is not worth living.” If Socrates Greek Philosopher Plato describes the two types of human perception is his writings of the Allegory of the

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