
Unequal Childhood In Lareaus Article Analysis

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Children need preschool to give them a head start in education as education is one of the predominate factors in the reproduction of inequality according to authors Lareau and Reardon In Lareaus article (use first readings forward in the lareau article she dis discusses how less educated parents don’t have time to spend instilling concerted capital into their children lives, which equates to their inability to be vested in their child’s early cognitive skills. Larueu states concerted cultivation helps kids succeed well when a child enter kindergarten as the child will know how to read, hold a book, effectively use a computer, follow directions, etc., Teachers also spend more time with children exposed to concerted cultivation and when parents investment in their child’s education, such as their enrollment in preschool and other educational activities it really makes a difference in a child’s life chances.
Preschool is very important as explained in the text reading “Unequal Childhoods: Class Race and Family life, children from poor families greatly benefit from preschool as their parents have less time to help them read as their priorities are working …show more content…

With Very little time spent on developing poor children’s cognitive abilities, and many poor children make their own decision, early in life many poor children enter kindergarten as not knowing how to read, use a computer, play with block, communicate with teachers, sit still for a period of time many poor children find themselves behind in school, effects of which can cause disciplinary issues well into adulthood. In this respect free subsidized preschool can bridge the education gap between poor, middle class and rich

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