
Understanding the Purpose of an Organisation and Its Operating Environment.

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Understanding the purpose of an organisation and its operating environment.
1.1 Describe the purpose and goals of an organisation
Network Rail (NR) own and run the railway infrastructure; the tracks and equipment needed so that the people who do run the trains – Train Operating Companies (TOCs) / Freight Operating Companies (FOCs) – can keep their trains going. NR are responsible for maintaining the infrastructure, signaling, timetabling and providing everything the TOCs and FOCs need to keep an increasing number of trains moving safely.

NR was a private company and in September 2014 NR was reclassified to the Government’s balance and are now an Arm’s Length Body of the Department for Transport. NR operated as a government-owned …show more content…

FOCs earn revenue from transporting goods. TOCs also get some funding from the Government which they use to buy train paths. These are called track access charges. We work collaboratively with the TOCs and FOCs to make sure we provide the best service to our customers. When delays occur that are Network Rail’s responsibility, we have to pay penalties to the TOCs and FOCs. | | Both Network Rail and the TOCs are regulated by the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR).

They monitor our performance and health and safety standards, and work with the Government to decide what our income should be. | |

Business to consumers as directly dealing withend user as landside neighbours can call us directly to complaint and complaint regarding managed station as NR only managed 19 station out of2,953 railway stations in britain.
Who do ur organization trade with - govemennet and businesses – mention it.
Tell us - The type of customer is ur business dealing B2B, B2G, b2c Think about Organistation is business - -B2B to Nr to toc and foc who sell tickets to the customers to use the tarina as they pay NR rent.
Who is the custoemr everyone who uses the railway

Who is the customer and describe – genger , age range, social dempograpic , matical status– type of csutomer business goes for - have 3 factor

If it is a business, what type of business, what industry and what size of business
1.3 analyse how external actors impact on the business activities of an

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