
Taqa Unit 1

Decent Essays

Assessor Qualification

Unit 1: Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment

1. Understand the principles and requirements of assessment 2.1 explain the functions of assessment and development Initial assessment is the process which identifies learners needs and can determine where the learner may progress to. Initial assessment can assist in the development of an individual learning plan, giving the learner the opportunity to: * tell others about themselves * show what they can do * make choices and express preferences regarding the learning outcome * express future aspirations * …show more content…

| Portfolios | Collections of evidence compiled by the candidate |

Evidence needs to be authentic and actually related to the performance of the learner being assessed and not that of another learner instead.

Sufficient or enough evidence is to be collected in order to satisfy that the learner being assessed is competent in all aspects of the assessment criteria. This can be achieved by collating evidence such as written reports or by questioning.

Any evidence of competency must be recent and the focus should be as to whether the learner is currently competent.

Learning objectives or learning outcomes should be clearly defined statements which describe the competences that learners should possess upon completion of a lesson, module or course. These learning objectives state what learners should know and be able to demonstrate, as well as the range and the depth of study.
Clearly defined learning objectives can:

* help to organise, structure and enhance student learning * improve communication with learners and instructors * improve assessment practices

A fair assessment will not disadvantage any person and will take into account the characteristics of the person being assessed.

To maintain fairness: * reasonable adjustments are made to assessment procedures depending on the characteristics of the person being assessed * assessment procedures and the evidence (whether product or process) must be made

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