
Understanding The Visualizations Of The Neuromuscular System Serves As A Conduit For Effective Interventions For The Patients Functional Improvement

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The relevance of understanding the visualizations of the neuromuscular system serves as a conduit for effective interventions for the patients functional improvement. The rising demand for clarity to understand the pathologies of each patient ask that physical therapists have an utmost appreciation of the advanced imaging techniques, which is central to their role as diagnosticians (Boissonnault & Goodman, 2006). This manuscript aims to offer a precis of the clinical and imaging characteristics of transverse myelitis. That is to say; this paper will correlate the appropriateness of an imaging modality for transverse myelitis based on the American College of Radiology criteria (Roth et al., 2015).
Transverse myelitis (TM) is an …show more content…

1485). A full spectrum of neurological abnormalities and neuroradiological results are seen in TM. The neurological deficits are the result of damage to the myelin, hence the ensuing neural dysfunction of motor, sensory and autonomic pathways (NINDS, 2012; Krishnan et al., 2004). The findings in a study done at John Hopkins Transverse Myelitis Center in 2004 showed that 50% of patients with TM have lower extremity paresis; 80-94 % presented with numbness or paresthesias and almost all patients have some degree of bladder dysfunction (Krishnan et al., 2004). According to the Cleveland Clinic (n.d.), TM is a rapidly progressive disorder followed by a point of improvement or stabilization.
Review of Literature
In Sellner et al.’s (2009) retrospective 9-year survey on the diagnostic work-up of TM, it was found out that spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become a valuable tool in the diagnosis of patients with TM. Tillema and Pirko (2013) asserted that MRI is the modality of choice as it offers high- resolution images in a noninvasive and safe method without exposing patients to large doses of radiation. Jacob and Weinshenker (2008) emphasized that getting rid of an acute compressive cause is of paramount priority when dealing with patients with acute myelopathy. Hence, an MRI scan is vital in this respect to

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