
Understanding Native American History Essay

Decent Essays

When people think about the history of Native Americans, they rarely think about how vast and rich it is. Much of the education about aboriginal people in the Americas begins and ends with Christopher Columbus. This association leads people to believe that Native Americans were small in number and short in history. However, Native Americans have a lengthy and complex history, that archaeologists and anthropologists have tried to piece together for years. Throughout history, there has been a strong interest in finding out the origins of Native Americans, and tracing back when they got to North America. The strong interest in learning about the first people of the Americas comes from the belief that understanding the history of the aboriginal people of the Americas is essential to understanding the history of …show more content…

Without knowledge of when the first people of the Americas migrated here, and from where they came from, it is impossible to have a full scope of American history. Studying the origins and time period of arrival of the aboriginal people, helps historians understand what early civilization in the Americas looked like. It allows one to look back at the beginnings of this continent and to understand what early life was like. Furthermore, it gives insight into the first societies in the Americas. Having this knowledge is necessary to understand when civilization in the Americas began.
Much of the curiosity about Native American origins stems from individuals wanting to learn about human capabilities. Knowing the time frame of when the first people of the Americas got here, gives historians insight to what tools and technology they had already developed to help them make the long trek. Historians, anthropologists, and archaeologists estimate that Native Americans arrived in North America less than 100,000 years ago (Stebbins, 2013, p. 42). The world has changed so

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