
Understanding Alzheimer's Disease Essay

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I remember the days when my grandma would be the one taking care of me after school. Each and every school day, I would eagerly wait for school to end so that my grandma could come and pick me up to bring me back to her apartment. Each and every day, she would come 15 minutes after school had ended to avoid the hassle of dealing with all the parents coming at the same time to pick their kids up. I didn’t mind though, that gave me time to talk to my teachers about issues that I had or just to socialize with my friends. Once my grandma arrived, I would quickly drop what I was doing, say goodbye to whomever I was talking to, and go straight to the car to keep my grandma from waiting. My grandma would immediately greet me and ask how my day …show more content…

My grandma became a big part of my life and no one can ever replace her or all the things she has taught me. Then, just a few years ago, I heard something that still haunts me to this day.
Did you hear the words that haunted me as well? Did a close family of yours get diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, a detrimental disease that burdens not only the patient, but the family as well? What is Alzheimer’s exactly? According to What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment, published on Medical News Today, Alzheimer’s is “… a neurological disorder in which the death of brain cells causes memory loss and cognitive decline” (Macgill). Now that you know what you and are going against, what are you going to be doing next? When my family first found out that my grandma had Alzheimer’s, we were faced with a decision that would affect my grandma for the rest of her life. Though we knew that we would eventually have to place my grandma into a nursing home, we had to decide whether we wanted to place my grandma into a nursing home or take care of my grandma ourselves when it wasn’t necessary to place her in a nursing home. There were pros and cons for both decisions that made the two decisions very difficult to choose from. My mom, who would be the main caregiver of my grandma, eventually decided that it would be best for my grandma to be in the hands of her family and opted against professional help. Making the

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