When a huge amount of nitrogen oxide is being emitted into the air it forms smog and acid rain. Acid rain can damage everything that it falls on mainly the environment; it contaminated human resources such as water and etc. Once the acid rain contaminates the water resources it deteriorates the water quality causing more nitrogen to be in the water. With more nitrogen present in the water it upset the chemical balance of nutrients/ minerals that are being consume by the aquatic plants and animals. As a result, it can lead up to depletion in oxygen which are the key component of all living things. Without oxygen there would be no
Over a period of time scientist have develop a better concept of understanding air pollution causing by nitrogen oxide. On October 2013, the World Health organization had declared that air pollution cause by nitrogen oxide to be one of the planet’s most dangerous environmental carcinogens [3]. Air pollution not only causes cardiovascular diseases but it also plays a major role in heart attack, stroke, lung cancer and other chronical diseases. Over the past 20 years, studies have indicated that increase in heart attack and stroke in associated in the increasing in air pollution. Nitrogen oxide has a major impact on the respiratory system. It impacts the respiratory system by triggering the inflammation in the lungs that can spread to the circulatory system and blood vessel narrowing; alternating the way it function. The respiratory system is very
Acid Rain is a chemical that can pollute and harm our environment. Acid is caused by a couple different gases. Such as, gasoline, smoke, fossil fuel burning, and chemicals. Nutrient Pollution can also pollute and harm our environment. It's caused by sewage treatment plants, home sewage systems, and farm fertilizer runoff. The Nutrient Pollution refers to the inputs of different kinds of nutrients.
Did you know many upper respiratory diseases such as asthma and others diseases like cataracts and skin cancer are aggravated by air pollution. The NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) states that “the following air pollutants are common triggers of asthma, ground level ozone, sulfur dioxide, fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxide.” Air pollution is the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.
Air pollution has been recognized as a major threat to environmental health, and the effects that it can have on the population are extremely varied. In the environmental aspects, air
Air pollution causes great damage to the environment. These damages include acid rain, eutrophication,haze, ozone depletion, global climate change, etc. "Acid rain is precipitation containing harmful amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids."Acid
Thousands of couples all over the U.S are unable to start their own family. Many of these couples are desperate to have children of there own, and long to be able to have a family. In some instances, adoption may be an option for these couples. Adoption is the legal responsibility and care of a child that is not one’s by birth. (Source F) In the United Sates, there are several factors that go into the process of adopting a child. Factors such as the extreme cost, the complex of the process, and the variation of adoption laws, in all different states. To make this process easier, I propose the government intervenes and regulates adoption, makes the process simpler, and sets a minimum standard of adoption laws for states.
The respiratory system is a complex system that is very important and essential for human to live and the simple act of breathing it is usually taken for granted. However, for many people, respiratory diseases make this simple act difficult. According to Porth, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) imply a group of respiratory disorders that are characterized by chronic and recurrent obstruction of airflow in the pulmonary airway (Porth,2015). According to the CDC, in the United Stated smoking has been identified as the key factor in the development and progression of COPD (CDC, 2016). However, others factors are also responsible for the development of COPD such as exposure to air pollutants in
Tobacco smoke and environmental factor like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, cold, ozone, temperature variation, humidity and nitrogen oxides are the leading cause of respiratory disorders. Smoke produce irritation in pulmonary tract and other harmful pollutants implement bad effects to lungs. Prevalence of respiratory disorders is increasing tremendously (300 million people) and in future the ratio is expected to be high.
In the last two decades, the air pollution in China has increased substantially. The lack of good air quality is especially prominent in the more urban, industrialized areas of China. Environment Minister Zhou Shengxian warned, “If China meant to quadruple the size of its economy over 20 years without more damage, it would have to become more efficient in resource use. Otherwise, there would be a painful price to pay” (BBC News). The topic of air pollution is not a new concern to the world; however, the effects of air pollution, especially to the hundred of thousands of people directly or indirectly harmed by the side effects of “bad air,” should be of grave concern. According to the Ministry of Health, air pollution has made cancer the
NOx causes a wide-ranging of health and environmental impacts due to various compounds and derivatives of the nitrogen oxides family, including nitrogen dioxide, nitric acid, nitrous oxide, nitrates, and nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is capable to spread all parts of the respiratory system because of its low solubility in water. It diffuses through the Alveolar-cells (epithelium) and the adjacent capillary vessels of the lungs and breaks the Alveolar-structures and their function throughout the lungs. Concentrations of 300 µg NO2/m3 (146 ppb) are highly hazardous and could very well lead to the permanent health destruction
Developed determinants of susceptibility are just as dangerous, if not more, as innate determinants of susceptibility. When groups with preexisting respiratory diseases — including chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or asthma — inhale fine particulate matter, it irritates and inflames the lungs and airways (“Air pollution and asthma”, 2015). This makes deep breathing difficult and forces the lungs and associated breathing muscles to work harder and faster in order to provide the body and its tissues with adequate amounts of oxygen to function normally. When groups with preexisting cardiovascular diseases — including hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease, or stroke — inhale fine particulate matter, it inflames the heart, arteries, and other vessels (“Air Pollution and Heart Disease,” 2016). This significantly increases the risk of stroke, arrhythmias, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart failure. PM2.5 also plays a role in causing plaques in vessels to rupture which can trigger a heart attack. Since the heart has inefficient functioning due to the increased demand and workload that air pollution presents to it, it must pump harder and faster in order to provide the body and its tissues with adequate perfusion of blood to function normally. According to Rajagopalan (2012), diabetic patients have previously been shown to be more susceptible to air pollution-induced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality because fine particulate matter decreases vascular
Since the Industrial Revolution, there has been an increased presence of pollutants and carcinogens in the environment, specif-ically in urban areas.1 The presence of airborne pollutants can lead to an increase in allergic reactions and asthma rates. A common airborne pollutant is carbon monoxide (CO), which is commonly found in diesel exhaust. It is an odorless gas produced from me-thane and non-methane hydrocarbon oxidation.2 The toxic gas eliminates and takes the place of oxygen in the form of carboxy-hemoglobin when it binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells. It also affects the binding sites of heme groups, which complicates the transfer of oxygen to tissues.3 The majority of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning is brought on from car exhaust.4 Between the years 1979 and 1988, 57% of deaths from carbon monoxide poi-soning were brought from car exhaust. There tend to be higher rates of carbon monoxide poisoning from car exhaust in northern regions, where temperatures are relatively low (Figure 1). 5
After graduating High School in 1975, I married and moved to Mississippi. There used my skills from gymnastics and assisted teaching for three months. Assisted with teaching children from the ages of six to ten years old.
Nitrogen Dioxide could be lethal in extremely high concentrations, eg. emission stacks,,but apart of these extreme ambient conditions,usually cause lung an respiratory disorders such as astma and bronchitis.
2NO + O2[IMAGE] 2NO2 Nitrogen oxides are soluble in water and have known contributions to pollutants (PAN) in photochemical smog as well as its detrimental effects to animal respiratory systems. There are a number of these such oxides including: nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen monoxide (NO). Sulfur dioxide and the oxides of nitrogen profoundly contribute to the acidity of the atmosphere and ultimately, the production of acid rain. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is an acidic
Air pollution levels have a large existence in big cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. This problem happens because the number of motor vehicle use that is not limited [1]. Exhaust smog are the cause of air pollution which has the dangerous effects for people’s health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil every motor vehicle. There are two types of burning fuel oil: the first is complete burning [2] and incomplete burning [3]. These types of burning have the differentiation in producing the remainder. Complete burning produces carbon dioxide as a result of remaining while incomplete burning produces carbon monoxide as a result of the rest. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are gases that are harmful to people’s health and could decrease ozone layer [4] [5]. Exhaust smog is hazardous to people’s health. Exhaust smog is a result of burning fuel oil [6]. Consequently, exhaust smog has possibility to contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas. These harmful gases affect human respiration. Carbon monoxide makes the respiratory system becomes worse. Carbon monoxide will interfere with the process of hemoglobin in breathing [7]. As a result, people will not only feel lack of oxygen but also often feel dizzy and weak. In the other hand, carbon dioxide causes dizziness and fatigue to the sufferer [8]. In the prevention and reduction of the impact of exhaust smog, the Indonesian government decided all motor vehicle users have to check