
Understanding A Problem And Defining The Real Problem

Decent Essays

Understanding a problem and defining the real problem is a skill that can be applied to many facets of life. In the workplace it is common place to have management not understand their employees and in turn create a negative work environment. For example, a labor crew may have years of combined experience, but it is understandable that an inexperienced educated person might be placed in a management role above the laborers. Without truly understanding the environment the laborers deal with, the inexperienced manager might see labor practices that are not fully understood and find fault with those practices despite the years of experience that went into the particular practice. (Modic, 1988) presents five tenets management can use to better manage people. The relationship between management and employee was studied to determine these five tenets and how they can resolve the root of work evil.
The first tenet of people management according to (Modic, 1988) is, “Focus on performance, not personality.” Modic goes on to explain, “This provides a dialog that can address performance improvement.” (p. 1). The second tenet ties into the first tenet of focusing on performance by providing a way to measure the performance. Modic says, “Provide a base line against which to measure later results, a key element in the change process.” (p. 1). The first two tenets are being used to focus on a measureable component of an employee’s performance rather than intangibles such as personality. By

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