
Understand The Role Of Parents In The Performance Of Asian Students

Satisfactory Essays

Different countries in Asia such as China and Korea have achieved spectacular economic growth rapidly. At the same time, people have tended to focus on education. It is standard to receive the message from parents that enrolling in a prestigious college or university is equivalent of success in life. Parents send their children to tutoring or cram school since early age. It is not only parents but also teachers that become the key reason for strong students’ performance of education. In addition, children in Asian families tend to have more clearly defined roles than their American counterparts, and it is believed this is one reason why Asian students tend to be exceptionally good in the classroom. But we need to take a deeper look to try to understand how the role of parents impact in a student performance during college in Asia. …show more content…

Father is the income producer during the day and an educator at night. A mother keeps the house and finances in order during the day and also become an educator at night. And the student’s role during the day is to follow the teachers and do their best in the classroom; after school, the role at night is to focus on their continued studies at home, which included homework, review of previously learned material and any additional assignments our parents gave them. In addition, Asian parents do several other things that allow their children to embrace the role of student, such as managing their children’s time outside of school, assuming the role of educator after school hours, teaching their children that being a student is both fun and rewarding, and finally and probably most important, they have a genuine respect for

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