
Under The Persimmon Tree By Suzanne Fisher Staples

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If one peered through the life of two tales- fictional, and the authentic, hurdle-prone world, a world named reality, both filled with troubling conflicts, it would be easily deciphered that surprisingly, both fantasy and the world people live in today are not that different. In real life, and in the novel Under the Persimmon Tree by Suzanne Fisher Staples, millions of people are being punished for doing daily things, for instance, laughing, eating ice cream, watching television, and a whole lot more. Life as it once was is being sought for by many. After living such a long life without wars, the Taliban created a strict set of laws that clearly weren 't consulted with any government officials.Therefore, it was difficult for many to adjust to, and it still is. In real life, and in the novel, the Taliban are depicted as people with the most devious souls--their goal in life is to incessantly punish innocents who don 't follow their rules. Staples used the Taliban and how they have completely degraded people 's lives in a solemn way to show the impact of conflict of the characters. Problems that the Taliban have caused, in real life, have impacted the way that many innocent people in various Arab countries used to live--long ago, life was delectable to many. People lived in a state of tranquility, and could live accompanied by one word: freedom. However, later on, and not long ago, the Taliban created a set of strict, over-the top rules that have not only completely

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