
Under-Reporting Errors

Satisfactory Essays

• (1) What is the ethical course of action to take when an error has been discovered?

I think the ethical course of action to take when an error has been discovered is to report it. If a medical error is discover in time measures can be taken to appropriate follow up and try to manage the adverse effects. As a nurse is your obligation to safeguard patients well being and its your moral and ethical responsibility to report the incident. The nurse should continue to assess and monitor the patient and fill out an incident report.
• (2) Why do you think some nurses do not report errors?

I think some nurses don't report errors because they are afraid of the consequences of their actions. They are afraid of losing their jobs or professional license. I also think that sometime it is embarrassing to admit your mistakes, as a nurse you may not want you colleagues to know about your mistakes. • …show more content…

The result of under-reporting errors is inaccurate statistics of medical errors. As a result it prevents the medical community to implement solutions or better practice to prevent this errors from happening

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