
Uncle Tom 's Cabin Book Report

Decent Essays

Sherry Huang
Mrs. Clark
U.S History(Honors) 1B
October 12, 2014

Uncle Tom’s Cabin Book Report

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, is a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe which originally was published on March 20, 1852. Under the background that the country had been divided over the issue over slavery, the south states of the country are slaves states, and the north states of the country are slave free states. Different sides of the country have distinct views over slavery system in south. The north, specially abolitionist, views slavery system is villainous and immoral, it takes away the basic right of human which is freedom, and it againsts God which is Christian believes. The theme of the novel based on the abolitionist views. The purpose of the novel is that tell the world what is slave life like, especially for those northerners never been to the south.Their life will be strenuous or comfortable is depend on what kind of slave owner they meet. The book is appeal people to face and deal with the issue of slavery which lasted in the history for a long time.
There are two plot lines in this book. Each of the plot lines represent diverse destiny of different slaves. One is about uncle Tom which represents those unfortunate slaves and they are the majority, they are as property for business, their destinies are vagrant. They may have a good owner at first, but the probability is narrow, and for some reason, they switch to tyrannical slave owners who maltreat slaves and even cause

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