
Unbroken Essay Papers

Decent Essays

Louie Zamperini’s Survival In The Camps Prisoners of war (POWs) can feel invisible by the captors. Louie’s experiences are like no other. As a troubled child Louie brawled with others and was thought to be feebleminded. His brother Pete saw potential in Louie, and made him into a star athlete. When nineteen he participated in the Berlin Olympics and took 8th place in the 5000m race. Years after the Olympics, Louie was sent to war, where he becomes a POW in Japan. In the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, Louie Zamperini was in captivity where he showed his two most important traits, courageousness and resourcefulness. First of all, the personality trait courageousness means to be brave. In the book Louie had to be brave when he was in the camp being tortured by the deranged guards. One example how Louie was vigor, is when the Japanese guards would beat on him so “[he] took the stick” (140). He was tired of being beaten for nothing, so Louie stood up for himself. Another example is when …show more content…

Louie had to be clever when he was trying to survive dying of starvation and helping the other POWs. In Unbroken, Louie would “[use a] broom to slide newspaper to himself” (166) and give it to another captive that can translate. He did this because the POWs wanted any dire information about the war. Additionally, Louie volunteered to shave the guards where they were “offering one rice ball per shave” (166). Also, Louie volunteered because he knew how to survive starvation Louie had to earn the rice balls. Another way how Louie was resourceful is when he saw “a discarded apple bow” (165) to make a fire for the captives. This was resourceful because the captives were cold and Louie used what he remembered from boy scouts which made both of them jubilant. Finally, Louie helped the captives and himself from starvation by finding clever ways to overcome

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