
Unauthorizing Illegal Immigrants

Decent Essays

Imagine what might occur if the United States deported all illegal immigrants back to their country. America is a country of liberty and . The population of illegal immigrants has decreased over the past years. The people against deportation believe that deportation would not be effective on solving the problems that the U.S. is trying to solve with unauthorized immigrants. Also in the 2016 president election, the republican Donald Trump mention of building a wall to completely block off the U.S.-Mexico border to stop south americans and central americans entering to the U.S. Majority of the U.S citizens believe that the population of illegal immigrants is increasing. In fact, according to a study published in January by demographer, Robert Warren, for the migration studies he state,” in 2014 the number of undocumented immigrants dropped to 10.9 million a gradual decline that dates back to 2008, when undocumented population totaled 12 million”. According to this study in 8 years the population of illegal immigrants has decreased over the past years by 1.1 million. Also to add to this problem, the government of the U.S. has faced the challenge of keeping track on undocumented immigrants. The author State, “Tracking undocumented immigrants can …show more content…

Is time to take action and find a solution to the unauthorized immigration. The population of illegal immigrants has decreased over the past few years. For certain reason deportation will not benefit this country. Last but not least, building a larger wall in the U.S.-Mexico border is not the greatest solution to stop illegal immigrants coming into this country. America is a wealthy with a strong government but America wouldn't be this if it wasn't for the immigrants. Illegal immigrants deserve the right to stay as they work hard every day to keep up the family and risk their lives every single

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