
Essay about Unarmed Bravery in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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Many Children receive Bravery Awards every year around the world, and none of them hold any weapons or punch someone in the face to prove that they are brave, unlike what the majority of people picture it. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus believed that true bravery and courage is facing the negativities of life and society persistently, and by sticking to your belief no matter what the cost is. Jem and Mrs. Dubose are two characters that strongly apply to Atticus’s meaning of bravery and courage. Mrs. Dubose was a real brave woman in the eyes of Atticus. Atticus tried to teach his children the true meaning of bravery by setting her as an example. Mrs. Dubose struggled so hard to die in the way that she wanted to …show more content…

Jem also represented true bravery in several situations throughout the story. Without Jem realizing it, he applied the true meaning of courage and bravery in his actions. Jem started to believe that in order to do what is right, he has to bear the bad consequences of what he does. ‘“Dill’s eyes flickered at Jem, and Jem looked at the floor. Then he rose and broke the remaining code of our childhood. He went out of the room and down the hall. “Atticus,” his voice was distant, ‘can you come here a minute, sir?’ ”’ (Harper Lee, 151) Most of the time, Jem was hiding secrets from Atticus ignoring the fact that it could cause harm to him, Dill or Scout. At the first time when he told Atticus about Boo Radley, he hesitated at first because he feared that Atticus would punish him. In this quote, he did not show any signs of hesitation despite knowing that Dill might get mad at him, and that indicates how he is better at bearing the consequences of his actions now. Jem broke the wall of fear and began to stand for his personal terms in difficult situations. “In the midst of this strange assembly, Atticus stood trying to make Jem mind him. “I ain’t going” was his steady answer to Atticus’s threats, requests, and finally, “Please Jem, take them home.”” (Harper Lee, 163) When Jem called Atticus on Dill, Jem did not fully experience the true meaning of real bravery because the situation was a bit calm. It is known for a fact

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