
Ultron Villain Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Joshua Agron
Per. 1 English Honors II
August 23, 2015

Superheroes are a common thing in movies, TV, and especially comic books. They fight for the good of the city, the world, or the universe, usually against a villain wanting control. These villains are almost always equal in power or more powerful than the hero. General Zod, for example, had almost the same powers as Superman did (I am not doing my villain essay on General Zod, so please keep reading!). However, when a villain can’t be beaten by only one hero, he becomes a much bigger deal. Ultron is a villain that has caused the Marvel universe a lot of trouble, as he is one of Marvel’s biggest villains. Ultron made his first appearance in the comic book Avengers #55, as Ultron-5, the Living Automaton. He was released with no origins. However, his origins were eventually released in later comic books as flashbacks. Ultron was created by Dr. Hank Pym as a peace keeping robot, but he eventually gained his own intelligence. He developed a hatred for his father, and then rebuilt and upgraded himself five times to become Ultron-5. Ultron wipes Hank Pym’s memories of anything related to himself. Ultron upgraded …show more content…

He was played by actor James Spader. There were a couple differences between the comics and the movie. For example, the movie Ultron was created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, whereas in the comics, he was created by Pym. Also, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver sided with Ultron. In the movie, Ultron had a very snarky attitude, like Tony Stark, and a very dark sense of humor. In the comics, he had no sense of humor at all. As with many superhero movies, the heroes won and the villain lost. Ultron ultimately died, after a brief conversation with the Vision about the future of the humans. Many critics thought that, like many other Marvel Cinematic Universe villains, Ultron died too quickly and had no time for character

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