
Ultra Sound Screening

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For many decades now, sound advances in the ultrasound technology have become a successful innovation towards access to 3D images of a fetus as it continues developing in the womb. This innovation has helped pediatricians to gain clinical insights on the growing fetus and parental development of the mother. These images also serve the doctors with information that is used in determining the condition of the fetus all though its growth until it is ready to be born. However it some people think that this innovation as much as it is beneficial to the parents it does not apply to all of them since it comes with expenses and extra costs. They give a precise description of the fetus and all its congenital anomalies. Doctors can be able to know if …show more content…

It would be better if he gave a clear description of all the activities that are carried out during the exercise and their importance. Some parents may feel that it is not necessary to have the ultra sound screening performed on them to know the sex of the baby and instead prefer to wait until the baby is born to know their sex. However, this might be acceptable but doctors advise that it is always important to perform the screening to be able to know what is happening in their bodies and that of the unborn fetus. Since the introduction of the ultra sound screening in the 1950s, many parents have been able to save the lives of their unborn children and their lives too. Many deaths have been avoided and healthy children are being born every day with fewer complications (Zugaib, …show more content…

According to the author of this article, the syndrome is preventable only if the mother is able to change their behavior. This syndrome is said to cause disabilities in children especially the unborn children. Mothers found abusing drugs during pregnancy might be charged in court for risking the health of the unborn child. However, every person has the right to choose what to eat or drink during his or her pregnancy period but putting the health of the child in danger is out of question. As much as we want to protect these mothers, we also have to bear in mind the idea of making an innocent child suffer simply because you want to enjoy yourself without considering the risks you are exposing the child to. For instance, the syndrome may cause a series of disabilities in children, according to the author of this article states that one out of every woman in the United States of America uses alcohol or other drugs (Heinen,

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