
Uli Edel Rasputin: Dark Servant Of Destiny

Decent Essays

The television film by Uli Edel Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996) is historically accurate to some degree. This film review will address three points: what was seen in the film, what Edel portrayed incorrectly in the film and examples of factors that lead to the fall of Czar that were disregarded by Edel in Rasputin. These points will discuss to what degree does Edel correctly portray the events leading up to Rasputin’s assassination and the death of the Imperial family.
What we see in the film
The film “Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny” directed by Uli Edel and written by Peter Price, is a biographical 1996 TV film which tells of the last four years (1912–16) of Czar’s reign. In desperate attempt to heal their only heir to the Russian …show more content…

Throughout the film, Rasputin becomes close to the Royal family and becomes Alexei healer. However, Rasputin undignified behaviour creates tensions with the Royal family, outside the palace there are political disagreement and a war brews that could end the Romanov reign. Along with many other people, the family’s physician Eugene Botkin (David Warner) is sceptical of Rasputin healing powers and is convinced that Rasputin is merely hypnotising Alexei. Botkin brings his concerns about Rasputin to Stolypin (John Woods) who agrees and sends out men to spy on Rasputin. Stolypin spies found that Princess Marisa visited Rasputin, asking to be blessed. Rasputin tells her that before one can ask for absolution one must sin, and convinces her to have sex with him. Stolypin approaches Nicholas with his findings, and with news that rumours are circulating throughout Russia regarding Rasputin’s undignified behaviour. That night, a drunken Rasputin makes some inappropriate comments about the Imperial Family and is brought before the Czar. The Czar banishes Rasputin from St. Petersburg. Rasputin leaves a letter for the Czarina predicting his death and theirs “The sound of the bell which will

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