
Ulcer Bug Essay

Decent Essays

Ulcer bug
Eric Wichman
BIOSCI 202 - 401
February, 5th 2013

Case Studies in Human Anatomy and Physiology

Ulcer Bug Case Resolution Template

1) This case study focuses on the process of scientific inquiry. How did the researchers use this process to learn about gastric ulcer disease, its causes, and its treatments?
Answer: The process started with the observation of Dr. Barry Marshall’s observation of his patients going through antibiotic therapy for non-related ailments. Dr Marshall then hypothesized that helicobacter pylori was the causation of peptic ulcer disease and not the end byproduct of inflammations. The researchers then used research and study of inflamed stomach mucosa through a period of antibiotic regimen to …show more content…

Answer: I used emedicine to reference more statistical history on H. pylori and its common applications in relation to the ulcer bug currently. Using the same data that was gathered from the study referenced on D2L the protocols for treatment have vastly improved over the last couple years. I thought about the long term effect that antibiotic treatment of this bacteria and how the bacteria itself “burrows” itself into the stomach mucosa thus causing the ulceration. The article I read also mentioned that this specific bacteria is also responsible for inflammation in the duodenum (part of the small intestine). In summation there also is a higher risk for stomach cancer and lymphoma also associated with this bug.

4) What does each of these additional items contribute to the solution of the case? For example, the item contains data from specific tests, trials, or experiments, or presents analyses that can be used to understand the main issues in this case. Answer: The additional information was more of a statistical analysis of current day treatments, protocols and outcomes. The main issue for this specific case is the presence of the bug and causing the gastritis and that issue still applies today. In the article referenced above 50% of the world’s population is infected with this bacterium. Though vastly more prevalent in third world nations roughly 20-30% of

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