
Uglies Scott Westerfeld Summary

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In the book the “Uglies” the author Scott Westerfeld. Which is a story that is set in the future where everyone has to get plastic surgery by 16 years old or else they’re considered ugly. The author probably created this book because they wanted to show they’re readers how people at a very young age get easily manipulated into thinking that something is better for them and that they have to be pretty do do stuff while if they’re ugly then they get less benefits. And also probably that you don’t have to be pretty to be happy just be yourselves. Imagine a world where people are required to get plastic surgery just to look pretty. The author focused on multiple craft moves which were Strong Description, Strong Dialogue, and Strong …show more content…

for example in the book it says, (95) “The imaginary conversations were back, but much worse than they had been after PAris left. A thousand times she’d fought with Shay in her head-long, rambling discussions about beauty, biology, growing up. All those times in the ruins, Shay had made her points about uglies and pretties, the city and the outside what was fake and what was real. But Tally had never once realized her friend might actually run away, give up a life of beauty, glamour elegance.” This piece of evidence from the book is showing how an action that one of the characters are doing affect the other characters around them and how that moves the story forward. Strong description is also moving the “Uglies” forward because it’s showing how the main character …show more content…

The author uses strong Dialogue so that what the characters say in the book will also help bring the story forward and help understand what is going on in the situation of the book and why it is happening. An example that shows this is from the book with Tally and Shay and when they talk about how they first met, “Tally dropper her board to the ground. “Thanks for making sure. I didn’t mean to be so wimpy about this.” “You weren’t” “Yeah, I was. I should tell you something. That night, when you met me. I kind of promised my friend Peris I wouldn’t take any big risks. You know, in case I really got in trouble, and they got really mad.” “Who cares if they get mad? You’re almost sixteen.” (53) This is also a deeper understanding of showing strong description because it’s showing how what one character says will affect their actions and also how it affects the other characters and move the story forward. This quote from the book is also showing how the relationship between Tally and Shay are developing because the character Shay is talking about how they first

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